There is absolutely no solid speculation regarding maze locations for any of these properties or where they'd fit best. Even AHS could randomly switch to the JP queue if it wanted. Walking Dead has been in 4 different locations. Saying The Thing fits best in the Mummy "because it's cold" is silly. In 2011, it was in the WWW Arena, where the line for Parisian Courtyard mazes are now. It was HUGE. They pumped air in and it didn't work all that well, but that's irrelevant -- they'll choose appropriate set design for an area over temperature. And that's not even certain. Last year, I'd wager to guess Shining would no way in hell be in Mummy because it's too small to recreate the Overlook -- and for the most part I was right, but they did it anyway, but the maze turned just fine even without grandiose sets. So as I said, speculating locations at this point is too early -- figure out the mazes first. For Godsake, Stranger Things is still in most speculated line ups and that tells me we're pretty far off.