Halloween Horror Nights 2024 (USH) - Reviews, Photos & Videos | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 (USH) - Reviews, Photos & Videos

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Jake S

Feb 23, 2023
Hello there! This thread is for reviews, photos, and videos of Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood 2024! Please limit all discussions to media and reviews of the event.

Any general discussions should be posted in the News & Info or Tips & Tricks threads. Thank you!
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We'll have our review up later this week, but it's a mixed bag this year.

Monstruos and TCM are my faves so far. A Quiet Place surprised me, as I enjoyed this version better than Orlando's. Monsters was pretty bad on both runs.

It seems like a good amount of actors were missing throughout the houses, probably due to the heat.

And I know tonight was media night, but the full-on stops many of the houses came to has got to stop.
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This year has potential imo but as it stands rn it’s definitely a weak year but not 2017 level mid. There’s no true standout house but there’s also no bad house either, monstruos weeknd and dead exposure probably my favorites. Insidious and Texas can rise though once cast clicks. First half of tram is excellent and second half is a massive snoozefest.

Shoutout to the actors working insidious during early entry, I think the ac broke and it felt like a furnace in there.
Night 1 recap-review:

Monstrous, Dead Exposure, TCM, Universal Monsters, The Weeknd, Purge

AQP, Insidious, Ghostbusters, Terror Tram, Chucky

I got to the park at 7pm, walked right in. I took it fairly easy tonight due to the heat. There were definitely a lot of missed scares & empty booholes. I enjoyed myself even if the line-up isn't the best. I'm TIRED AF!!! overall, I look forward to the rest of this weekend.
Opening Night rankings:

1. A Quiet Place - 10/10 (2 runs)
2. Insidious The Further - 9/10 (1 run)
3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy of Leatherface - 9/10 (2 runs)
4. The Weeknd: Nightmare Trilogy - 8.5/10 (2 runs)
5. Dead Exposure: Death Valley - 8.5/10 (1 run)
6. Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - 8/10 (1 run)
7. Monstruos 2: The Nightmares of Latin America - 6/10 (1 run)
8. Universal Monsters: Eternal Bloodlines - 3/10 (1 run)

Terror Tram: Enter The Blumhouse - 8/10
Late Night with Chucky - 7/10

Honestly really impressed with this year. 2 houses I didn't like but that's it. Definitely a strong year imo.
Opening Night First Impressions (Without Early Access):
First off, as expected, it was absolutely boiling out there tonight, and I think that affected the night in a number of ways, first of which being I think a good 1/3rd to 1/2 of a lot of house casts were out tonight, likely because of the heat risk or heat sickness, so I'm not going to consider missing scares as a valid criticism tonight.
In more positive news, I think it also scared away a ton of the crowds, this was easily the least busy opening night I've ever been to, and nothing was *listed* as over an hour at any point in the night. (I will note why I specify listed in a moment.) They also started letting guests into the full event at 6:38 instead of 7, so that was nice too.

To Make things simple, I'll just do a quirky little ranking of what I liked the most to what I didn't like as much, theres nothing this year that I've experienced that I outright disliked.
Prior disclosure, everyone in my group had minor heat sickness by 11 pm so we opted to go to the last Purge show to sit down, causing us to miss out on Quiet place and Monstruos 2.
1.) The Weeknd: Nightmare Trilogy - I am 100% biased because I love the Weeknd, but me and my group had a fantastic time here, plentiful scares, a really unique vibe I cant quite explain, and a lot of variety that doesn't just copy paste the mold from the previous iteration. It's early to say but I think I might like this better than the original.
2.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy of Leatherface - Double edged sword here, because I feel I must specify that this like is the absolute worst. It might get better over the coming days, but due to media constantly butting into the line, the General Admission queue was a complete snails pace, and what was listed as a 25 minute wait was closer to an hour and 5 minutes, and when youre packed into that tight of a space with that many people when its still 98 degrees out, you feel every second. That said, I really really liked the maze itself, it doesn't just copypaste everything we've seen before, and it's oddly nostalgic to see all these versions of leatherface together. It is definitely smelly as heck though.
3.) Terror Tram: Enter the Blumhouse - Never saw this coming, I totally loved Terror Tram this year. As far as character and aesthetics go, Exterminatorz still has my heart and it probably always will, but this was my favorite format of the tram in years, having a lot of little vignettes really enhanced it and made it feel a lot longer and more lively despite the tragic loss of the Nope sets, I'm still not ready to forgive that. Also for some reason the Wolf Man section was blocked off, so I cant speak to how that was.
4.) Dead Exposure: Death Valley - This one definitely suffered from a missing cast, but like I said I'm judging on what's here, not what wasn't, and what's here is a really solid old style laboratory haunt that honestly does manage to pull off an unnerving tone with all its clinical cloth hallways and crackling geiger counters, I honestly cant wait to see this running at full power.
5.) Insidious: The Further - I was a little bummed here, because being real, this is an enhanced version of the 2017 maze. Theres a good number of scares and even room layouts that are 1 to 1 with the 2017 version and that was pretty disappointing to me. That said, the new stuff is good and there's some solid creepy imagery in the Lipstick Demon's lair I wasn't expecting, that and the cast were killing it, lots of creepy atmosphere building. My warning is if you come when its still hot out, even though they have mister fans in the parking lot section of the queue, those only help for about 2 minutes and then become an instant Florida simulator, bring a non-misting fan of your own to survive.
6.) Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - I had a similar self-imposed issue to Insidious here, but in this case it was the fact that I felt that I had kind of spoiled myself by watching the Orlando POVs, as these are very similar to each other, so I was fairly disappointed, but that's my own fault. There were some effects visibly not working but the cast were giving it all, and I really love the little prop dog on the top shelf of Ray's shop. I will hold it in my heart forever.
7.) Universal Monsters: Eternal Bloodlines - I liked what this maze was doing as a story and a theatrical experience, it tells its story in a really clean and clear way, moreso than Orlando's imo, but this definitely is in the vein of Unmasked last year design wise, and on top of that there really were barely any scares, not that there were missing stations as far as I could tell, it just seemed like it wasn't designed with them really in mind. I'm in favor of not bombarding the audience immediately and constantly, but I have to admit by the time we got to the She-Wolf scene I was just kinda wondering "where are the scares?". That said, that isn't the casts fault at all, from the scares that are actually there, the performers got me repeatedly, and that was nice. I probably would've been more disappointed if I waited long, but I only waited like 15 minutes so I really cant complain.

Noteworthy Mention:
The Purge: Dangerous Waters -
Really really liked it this year, feels like they tightened the pacing up and really upped the violence, just a really good tight stunt show, I'd say definitely an improvement on last year, which I also really liked.
These are my first thoughts and did not do everything last night

TCM. I can't give a real review on this one yet because the the house was like half staffed when I went it....people loved this one but when its mostly empty it was...to me pretty boring. I had two kids 10 and under and they didn't scream once in that one and one of the kids literally hold leather face he was his favorite, lol
Anyway, hope when I go on it next I have a better experience

The Weekend. The Facade is handsssssss down the best in the event. The house surprised me in how much I enjoyed it over the last one, not too many scares for me but I enjoyed it. 8/10

Dead Exposure. I wanted to like this house and I did like the Monkey int he cage but....while the actors were doing there best the house to me feels like a C tier Knotts house. Not like bad just really fine for me but maybe it was a staffing issue again because I went on it 15 mins after it opened. 6/10

Monsterous 2: I really enjoyed this one, not sure if its better then last year or not but I liked the costumes, sets and anamatoic's/puppets for this house. Will for sure be doing this one again. 8.5/10

Terror Tram: I liked it, its great as always many saying this is the best in years...I guess I feel its about the same as always. I miss walking the Nope sets, don't care if it wasn't that scary its lways a win to walk on a REAL set...let alone a horror set for HNN. Black Phone I do wish had like sets but I will say it does have lots of jump scares in a row/area from the houses I've been on yet. Purge I think is the best part because of the set and costumes. Megan isn't scary but I feel like its fine, its more to highlight her. The fact the crappy wolfman is not apart of the normal house, lol. 7.5/8 out of 10

I'm really and I mean really not a fan of them locking crap behind more paywalls...listen I paid to get in and even got EA. Like you want to have a photo op area fine but just no one taking things out or making things that only .00001 Percent of people get to see when this is hard ticketed event.

The Purge: I saw the 8 PM show and it was great. Its Water World at night with more fire, lasers and lots of things going boom. Its a fun time and while I get this does waste time if you only have one night....I still enjoy it a great deal. 8.5/10

Late Nite with Chucky: The Pre show people are trying some of the bad jokes are fun in the moment but I wont argue if others hate it. The main show is......good but also if I was not filming content this would be a show I see one more time and most likely be done with it. Also I'm pretty sure they are shooting water at you at the end of the show now...so thanks universal. 6.5/7 out of 10.

Now I spent a good deal of time in the scare zones.

Punkz.....fine just not for me. The actors are doing great but....the theme is not scary of that cool to me

Luchadores Monstruosos This is the fun area of the night the actors were scaring people but also saw them doing some funny things like when two of the monsters fight...a bunch of the monsters gathering around a shoe that feel off someone running away and doing poses in front of girls showing off their poses. Its fun and I like it and the costumers are great.....we got Creature, woldman and Frank versons so to me this is a great zone. Ohh plus they have an Robot skelton that does some lore stuff....so yeah 8/10

CrowZ. My favorite Scare Zone of the night. Baby Bird so the best and the crowz aslways are just loved (or feared) by everyone. The two none stilk walkers chargret costumes as well and it was fun to see a Crow trying to feed a real baby (yes....people were bringing babies this year for some reason) to baby crow. Just a great little scarezone and even if it can't be here...hope it comes back again 9/10

Skull Lords. I really like most the costumes they had in this area. The actors were doing great and as I've said before best firetower design in recent memonry at least if not the best one ever. Watched the opening scareamony at 8:30 PM and was cool enough. 8/10

While I thight last year event might be better on paper....I still had a blast last night and going tonight and Sunday again (and next Thursday) so yeah not everything has to be the best to be fun. Excited to be checking out Ghost Busters and more tonight
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2.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy of Leatherface - the General Admission queue was a complete snails pace, and what was listed as a 25 minute wait was closer to an hour and 5 minutes, and when youre packed into that tight of a space with that many people when its still 98 degrees out, you feel every second.
Yea last night when I was in the queue it said 30 min but instead it 1 hour.
at least Starbucks in the lower lot gave free water

These are my first thoughts and did not do everything last night

TCM. I can't give a real review on this one yet because the the house was like half staffed when I went it....people loved this one but when its mostly empty it was...to me pretty boring. I had two kids 10 and under and they didn't scream once in that one and one of the kids literally hold leather face he was his favorite, lol
Anyway, hope when I go on it next I have a better experience
and more tonight
Under staffed for me it felt so packed with all the actors with chainsaws and hammers
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Will echo everyone’s sentiment that the heat really put a damper on what coulda been an all-time night at HHN. I’ve never seen lines like this in all my years at this event. I even had Express, which means I did every house at least 3x, except for Ghostbusters and Insidious, only because I didn’t wanna hoof it all the way back there.

Anyway, not gonna do any final rankings until end of season, especially because tonight was a little hit and miss due to staffing in the houses — which I had zero issues with, by the way. The actors’ safety should come first and foremost.

That said, Quiet Place met my expectations, as did Ghostbusters (but going the opposite direction). Dead Exposure exceeded them while Weeknd didn’t meet them. Bloodlines is out in front for worst of the year. Thought the Chucky thing was kinda awkward but I loved The Purge show so much, it’s so ridiculous and fun. Tram was fine, I really missed the Nope sets.

Will be back in October.
I actually think it's really sad how bad Universal Monsters is this year. It feels like something you'd see at Fright Fest. The soundstage placement was such a waste.
It honestly is. The quality and execution has just nosedived over the years, which makes no sense because it’s the marquee Universal horror property. You’d think it would get as much if not more effort and attention than any other house.
A lot of dead space in Monsters, I also think Dead Exposure is Fright Fest quality. Just very cheap and generic looking white walls, industrial oil drums, glowing green beakers and test tubes in cabinets?
A lot of dead space in Monsters, I also think Dead Exposure is Fright Fest quality. Just very cheap and generic looking white walls, industrial oil drums, glowing green beakers and test tubes in cabinets?
I'm with you on DE, it just feels...cheaper then I'm used to at USH

I will agree with others the actors are great but....im starting to hope we can maybe have this many houses but like two stick around so the budget doesn't have to get stretchered as much
I liked bloodlines, ‍♂️. Some things I didn’t bring up in my original comment but I do want to mention. Ghostbusters felt very short to me, which is unfortunate cause there was some cool stuff going on in there. In contrast, insidious felt alot longer than I thought it would be, definitely feels like they crammed more into that space than previous mazes located there, also has maybe the worst smell hollywood has ever done. A Quiet Place has great sets and excellent puppets and literally nothing else, very interested to see what I think of it when the event is over.

I think it’s a little unfair to rank stuff with how much was missing last night but if I had to do a crude ranking rn it would be

1. Monstruos
2. Weeknd
3. Dead Exposure
4. Texas
5. Bloodlines
6. Insidious
7. Ghostbusters
8. A Quiet Place