Been conversing and talking to others--to get a heads and tails of what would be the positionals. Due to the element of renting, it could be safe to believe that this treatment, house 7, will be that for SS12; with house 8 being SS15--the last venue to lock in for the event.
Ordinarily you would think it might not matter as much for the sake of treatment locations. That you would have a bit of free-room. But in the case of SS12 & SS15; these are venues that you need to rent out the last due to the expenses of renting out a venue like a soundstage for as long as HHN constructs, tests, and operates their experiences.
The fact SS12 has the longest HHN house treatment in event history makes me think this is going to be a house that more expertly uses the space and scale of what the venue can achieve of.
tbh, I wonder if the "Headliner" IP will go over here instead of SS15. While you lose the TV's for the queue, and would need to redo queue configurations (*Use SNW as the Potter to H-Lot, damnit*); I think they might rather want the size of the venue to better suit that of a IP that will get top billing.
EDIT: To add in, I am going off of the assumption of SS12 being this treatment because Eternal Bloodlines I believe was treatment 7.