Went last night and can easily say that it was tons better than last year. But, alas, here is my review:
La Llorona: The first house of the night. I like the theming, the sets were absolutely gorgeous, but I could see the scares coming before the actual scare. The actors were off time to the sounds as well. I don't know what was up with the night I went, but I never saw it above 45 minutes. I loved the house, but didn't get me as much as I would've liked.
Afterlife: Next house I went to, and the first I used Express on (La Llorona was only 20 minutes). First thing, the electric chair got me good! I don't know why, but it did! Also, I saw the fireworks right before the electric chair scene

. Liked the Johnny Cash in the que. This house was pretty trippy as well, it got me stumbling in some rooms. Enjoyed it!
Havoc 2: Alright, two things about this house to start with. First, it was probably not the best idea for my PTSD dad who fought in Iraq to go into this house. I didn't force him, he wanted to go in it, but we was really quiet and irritable after the house. Now, the next thing I found pretty funny. I was acting stupid and going "Ha! GAYYY!" to the Dogs of War in the cages, and one of them was like "What'd you say?!" so I repeated it to him. He exited the cage through a curtain in the back of the cage, and in the buffer zone between that room and the next, he jumped out, got me good, and said "WHAT ABOUT NOW?! HA, GAY!" I got scared, yet also laughed pretty hard too. So, in all, I'm kinda on the fence about this house.
Evil Dead: Second favorite house of the year. The facade was weird, as well as the dead zone in the soundstage before the house. This house got me good one time, though. When one of the girls ran down the hallway, I literally jumped a couple feet away. The blood rain was an amazing effect, the sets were amazing (especially the cabin on fire), and the scares were good. High on my list.
American Werewolf in London: Ah, AWil, my third favorite of the night. My step-mother who has a phobia of wolves went in, and it was hilarious. My step-brother, who isn't afraid of much, was sprinting in this house. I gotta give it to the wolves, those things are scary as :censored:. One of the jumps I had, I don't even think it was supposed to be a scare. It was when the policeman came out of nowhere and started shooted at the wolf. As abrupt as the movie ending, but amazing nonetheless. I can see where Aiello's heart was this year.
Resident Evil: Um...was this house supposed to be taken seriously? I mean, the sets were great and all (seems to be great sets this year) but it was pretty meh. I didn't see the "Pause Room" and I only kinda got scared once, when the dog head came out. The game over nod was pretty clever. Not much to say but "meh".
Cabin in the Woods: OMG I CANNOT EVEN. This is what I would've said if I was a tumblr girl (I am not either, just to let you know). My favorite house. The scares were great, the atmosphere was great, the sets were amazing to look at, and it was a top-notch house; one worthy of HHN. The elevator scene got me, the doctors got me, the last room got me. I saw some nice nods (Dead Silence puppet and Jack). Hands down, the best house of the event.
The Walking Dead: I mean, it's not as bad as last years, but it definitely wasn't the best. I was getting pretty tired at this point, so it was a blur, but I remember getting scared quite a few times. The sets were pretty good, and it followed the season. No Governor, though

. It was an OK house. Not the best, not the worst, but OK.
1. Cabin in the Woods
2. Evil Dead
3. American Werewolf in London
4. Walking Dead
5. Afterlife
6. La Llorona
7. Havoc 2
8. Resident Evil