I'm not watching the walk-though and spoiling myself when I'm gonna see it live in just over a week, but I do want to point out something else for those with complaints based on the videos. I've read from the people who attended the event that they got to go through twice: first a full-on show walk-through, with no recording / photography... and the second time around it was with the lights on, when they were allowed to record. So, in those videos (from the second walk-through), the actors might be posing or being more self-conscious than focusing on the scares, and then the lights will be different than guests will experience.
Now a few rant-ish comments, if you will...
I think there's a disconnect between PR / Uni uppers, and A&D / Creative, and how they would handle things. I think OU (and other sites like it) get the short end because of the uppers who make the decisions on who gets the invites. I think if it were up to the A&D / Creative, these events and many things would be different. OU and some other boards were included on the HHN presentation at the Halloween Extreme / Mayhem event a few months ago, and I take that as a nod from A&D / Creative team of the event to the passionate fans (aka us) on these boards.
I might be wrong, but I think it's pretty clear why sites like OU are getting the cold shoulder in general from Uni, and it's because of the uppers who (understandably) don't like all info and details that are revealed from their upcoming projects, which they'd prefer to keep secret or reveal on their own terms... but they really need to get over it. For better and for worse, ease of communication and access to a lot of information is just part of the way things are in this day and age with all the technology available. I think they should stop 'taking it out' on these sites and rather work from the inside to keep their employees' and contractors' lids better sealed. Basically, if leaks are your issue, fix your pipes... Don't cut out / punishing the messengers, which happen to be some of the biggest fans, supporters and endorsers of your company.