But that's what's so preposterous. As Jakemeister pointed out, in terms of language and sexuality Halloween Horror Nights has been embarrassingly PG13 the past few years - but in terms of gore, it's definitely in the R territory (and even then, it's not as intense as it used to be - look up any of the Body Collectors houses, for example). This is the event that had the Vampyr houses (which, if I'm not mistaken, had some sort of... um... "trouser kiss gone wrong" show sequence?) and the scare actors in Creatures! making comments about exploded condoms.
To give you an idea of the differences in content between Hollywood and Orlando's events in recent years: Hollywood's SAW house featured the frozen, naked woman scene from SAW III - it's chilling (...sorry) and didn't hold back on the grotesqueness, nudity and all. The syringe sequence, one of the most iconic SAW traps (from the second film), was featured front and center in Hollywood. Any scene of that sort of intensity or nudity was omitted from Orlando's house. Another great example, this one (in my opinion) even more disturbing, is a difference in The Walking Dead attractions - Hollywood featured the extremely memorable "God Forgive Us" set seen on the show, while Orlando got "Save Us." Figure out how that decision went.
It's right in line with the typical and dangerously flawed, Americanized notion that showing horrific violence is relatively okay, but saying a naughty word or even referencing sex or (god forbid) any religious theme is taboo.