So I have read past posts that everyone wants a theme and an icon for HHN. So they give us that and we are upset about it? If Uni came out and "created" a new zombie Jake and his world and legion of zombies, I suspect everyone would be getting so excited to see what the creative team comes up with. But because its not an original concept we hate the idea. If you are that upset, then dont go, that is the only way you will make a statement. However, coming from a marketing background, this move towards IPs is genius and to be honest long over due. We have friends that we have tried to get to come to HHN for years. Last year was their first time and why did they come? Walking Dead. And we are the exact demographic that Uni wants coming to these events (coincidence that WD has the same demographics). Just because you may not like the WD or the other IPs dont automatically assume it is going to suck. We havent even seen the final product and you guys act like Uni just gave us Figment part 2 or Stitchs great escape. I would even say it is harder for creative to live up to expectations when using IPs, because the fans of those IPs are going to know a lot about them and you better make it special or they are really not going to be happy. Everybody is correct this is all about $$$, but again I go back to recent history for CC. When you give them extra cash, they do some amazing things.
So take a deep breath, and realize that even if this turns out to be the worst HHN ever, it is still a GGT (
guaranteed great time 
). As you can tell I am excited and I will be watching every IP product to get ready for the event (I was not a WD fan last year, but wish I had watched the series before I went into the house, wont make that mistake this year, including RHPS which is outstanding).