Am I the only one wondering exactly how Chance became trapped inside a Jack In The Box? Lol. (Warning, more total blue sky talk here!) Last years Legendary Truth addition alluded to the idea that Bloody Mary, and possibly someone within the organization itself, played a large role in letting Jack and the other icon's out of Fear's lantern. Perhaps then Legendary Truth is responsible for trapping Chance in the Jack In The Box? Tying that to Chance's story for this years event, it would be interesting to see the main show actually be based on Legendary Truth, with heavy ties to Chance's story, without actually featuring Chance herself. And it could account for the lack of confirmation on if she actually has her own show.
That all said, I would rather see Chance headline her own show. Shes to great a character not to take full advantage of the actresses talents.
Yeah, you can buy Express Passes at a later time. However they are limited, so on busy nights they could sell out well in advanced of the day of the event.