Halloween Horror Nights 26: Reviews & Photos | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 26: Reviews & Photos

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Please share your opinions and photos of this year's event here. Reminder that there will be spoilers in this thread. ONLY PHOTOS AND REVIEW IN THIS THREAD.
From what I'm reading on Twitter, I'm hearing the scare zones are weak this year, that express is sometimes longer than standard lines, I hope that is not the case because I got ROF express. The houses are all mixed but AHS seems to be the most consistent positively received house.

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Jason Guy and a bunch of the WESH news people were at HHN last night and he posted a bunch of videos on Facebook. Looks like they had a good time and he is a HUGE fan of the theme parks and HHN: Jason Guy | Facebook
From what I'm reading on Twitter, I'm hearing the scare zones are weak this year, that express is sometimes longer than standard lines, I hope that is not the case because I got ROF express. The houses are all mixed but AHS seems to be the most consistent positively received house.


I wouldn't worry nor would I take stock in people's comments. Personally, I think it all comes down to perceptions. I think a lot of folks think Express means instants access yet I think what Universal offers is to cut your wait in half.

You do save time and walking with Express. A lot of the houses I went to last night did a good job in that you didn't really see the other queue, so you might perceive that the other line is moving faster.

For example at AHS, I would hear every now and again 'are we in the Express line?' because the regular line didn't back up to where we were backed up to, so it seemed to move quicker, but that ignores that the regular line was just walking to a bunch of switchbacks in a sound strange that Express did not see until they exit the house.

We did not attempt all the houses, but most also had a bit of a queue after your pass was scanned which allowed them to have a consistent flow into the house from Express and general where at a merge point they could switch between the two.

I say this because last night was odd (to me) in that they check that your ticket is Express when getting in line, but I seemed to be behind a lot of folks that did not have Express when they got to the point of scanning the tickets...this slowed things down, but it had no effect of flow when scanned Express folks had a bit more of a queue to go through.

I think AHS was one place where it was not set up like this...so they kept letting the regular line go while the Express line had no one ready to take from, but this did not seem the norm at most of the others we went to.

If you can do S&S, I would say try and do AHS for S&S, otherwise try and do AHS later in the night as opposed to early on (Express or no Express).

Also, I think 'technical difficulties' is the catch all term used when they may need to close a house for awhile...if you are unfortunate enough to get caught behind one of those, your wait will be long with or without Express and (most likely) you will have no clue what's up for you will be told nothing if you are already in the queue....

Last night, we just had a bad start and some bad luck, but Express worked as it always has and we saw a couple of houses posted as 60 minutes where we waited less than 20 minutes with Express.
From what I'm reading on Twitter, I'm hearing the scare zones are weak this year, that express is sometimes longer than standard lines, I hope that is not the case because I got ROF express. The houses are all mixed but AHS seems to be the most consistent positively received house.


Keep in mind that this is what tends to happen for the first and sometimes second weekend. It takes them a few days to figure out how to flow the lines properly. It's a big reason why I wait till the 3rd weekend to go.
Express was way shorter than stand by. Like Halloween we waited almost an hour in standby. When we got to the merge point there was only about 20 to 30 people in the express line.

I went in 6 houses and none of them were duds. I liked some more than others, but they all had something that was good. B&t was just ok in my opinion.
Last night did seem a little off from the times I went last year, but it was the first night. I did get caught outside the Walking Dead and Krampus during the technical difficulties but other than that I didn't have any problems.
My favorite house of the night was Krampus, which I wasn't expecting. Solid houses this year, but weaker scarezones than last year. I'll leave in depth reviews after I go a few more times. Also I don't know if I was just too scared, but the houses seemed like they were shorter to go through than last year. Maybe I just walked too fast lol.

Express wise, like Frank said I think people expect to go straight in when that's not the case. The longest I waited with express was in AHS, but even then they said the express would be about 45 mins but if felt more like 20. People asked if they were in the right line because the regular lines would walk passed us, but they didn't realize that those people had a bigger line than us that wrapped around several times.
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Quick notes and some pictures.

I'm taking it slow with Rush of Fear this year so I only went into 4 houses.

Lunatics Playground: Waited in Diagon and this is the only house you can get to. I though Alice was interesting last year, I think this is less so. It looks like there's some interesting scenes, but the glasses and lights interact so poorly that it was difficult to see. The 3D paint didn't make up for the rest, so I'd put this squarely in the "didn't need to be 3D" category, and also unfortunately the "don't worry if you miss it" category. I had one scare actor open a hidden door to jump out only to reveal a hallway directly to the outside (still daylight).

The Walking Dead: You may discount all my other opinions after this, but I though it was good (and I thought last year's was trash). While waiting you can watch the exit, and people were very clearly pleased with it.

Ghost Town: Very well made, the sets and atmosphere are definitely the stars of this one, although there was a shift change right before I went in.

Tomb of the Ancients: Like Ghost Town, very good design and execution. Smaller and more intimate than Ghost Town's more expansive areas. Probably the best scares of the 4 houses I did. There's clearly a nice finale but it was dormant when I went by.

I did these 4 by 8pm with no express. I did witness some poorly behaved express pass holders. Universal might want to do a better job of explaining what it actually means when trying to sell it.

Random scare zone stuff:

I love the projection mapping, but the curtain and cardboard entryway on the Macy's building doesn't work very well with it.

Tomb of the Ancients façade. It deserves some better lighting.

I'm not looking for spoilers, but just out of interest, is there a consensus on best houses and worst houses yet?
So far I think it's chance is not good unless u really love 3d houses and tomb is really good. GT is also beautiful but lacking scares. Everything else has seemed to have varying opinions.

Quick thoughts on the houses I did. From best to worst.
Tomb- really cool design and best scares
AHS- really cool and I also got a good amount of scares in here. Helps that it was basically my friend and I alone in the house.
TCSM- Intimate feeling house with some interesting gags and good scares.
H2- layout follows movie and then they just stuff it with Mikes. Not even mad when 3 Mikes pop out at once. This house must have 40 scare actors in it.
Ghost Town- 5th and it is still a really cool and beautiful house that just doesn't have the scares like the other ones do.
Chance- better scares than asylum but not as cool to look at. Better than afterlife if that means anything. This isn't worth more than a 10 min wait.

Will post a more complete review when I hit up the other 3 tonight.
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I went last night with my wife, sister, and some friends all in all a group of 7. We did the passholder preview, which I actually think was the wrong move. we should have done S&S. So I'm going to just post a quick review of the houses we did and when I get to go through all the houses a few times I'll do a more detailed review.

Halloween- 5/5
Man they did a great job on this one, the first one at 24 was my favorite house and in my opinion this house captured the spirit of the first house; and the second move perfectly.

Tomb of the Ancients- 4.5/5
This house is beautiful the only reason I won't give it a 5 is because I actually felt at times it was too dark.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre- 4/5
This house looks great and I know when I get a better timed walk through it will earn a 5. I caught some of the scares and missed some of the others. It's very gory and very fun regardless

Krampus- 3/5
Despite my rating I really liked this house it was a lot of fun, early on it seems to suffer from being a good house up against great houses. What is strange is there was something about the house that bothered my throat and made me cough, my wife and sister also said that happened to them.

The Walking Dead- 3.5/5
Yup, a Walking Dead house getting a good review! I actually really enjoyed it, it looked nice and had effective scares and was over better than average. I believe if TWD had only been the house at 24 and this one we'd be a little more welcoming to it. This in my opinion shows that this property can work at the event, but hopefully this is the Swan song.
Did 7 of the 9 houses last night (missed TWD & The Exorcist) with Express, and loved all but AHS. Could have had a lot to do with the group in front of me though who insisted on looking in to every crevice, and getting in the face of any actors. Favorite house of the night was either TOTA or Krampus.

On a side note, there has to be a better way to cut back on abuse of the GAC. I noticed far too many groups in line bragging about how they got their "free" express passes. Whether it's increasing the wait times on the cards so that return time is the length of the regular queue, or tougher standards on what truly qualifies for the pass, the abuse causes major backups in the express lines.
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I also noticed abuse of the GAC! Someone straight up told me they lied about a medical condition to get it. Then I saw another person trying to switch the house their card was for. My waits ended up typically coming in at a little more than half the posted wait time (I have FF Plus w/Express), with Exorcist being the longest at 40 minutes with a standby 60 minute wait. Well worth it though.

I thought all of the houses were great -- although LP was kind of disappointing inside the house, the facade was really neat, and so were some of the non-3D effects. Exorcist was my favorite, as it's clear a lot of TLC went into it from the very beginning, and all of the effects worked perfectly. I just wish there weren't people in the corner telling you to move along so often.
I went last night and did all 9 houses without Express! I arrived at the park at 4 pm and I used the free ticket that came with my annual pass. I asked the question of where to wait and was told a different answer from every team member. I did not register for the Annual Pass entry. I did settle on the area of Hello Kitty stay and scream which allowed entry to American Horror Story. (I was 10th in line at around 5 PM) Then after my first house I went straight back to the Simpson's area and was told by the team member it was only for Annual Pass Holder's with an armband. I showed my annual pass and the team lead told them to go ahead and let me in! I will list the houses in the order I did them. Almost all of the posted wait times were way off as the electronic boards were not correct with the signs in front of each house. I will rate each house on a scale of 1 to 10. *****Spoilers Ahead*******

  1. America Horror Story-Rating 9 (Wait time: Walk-on) (This house is long and for fans you will see every character acting with sound bites from the seasons) The house had great sets and consisted of Season 1 being in the basement of the house, Season 4 was circus wagons on each side, circus tent, and the clown's depilated bus. Hotel was the elevator, hallway's, bedrooms. (The characters from the show are so like the characters on the t.v. show, fan's will want to go through more than once!)
  2. Halloween: Rating-5 Posted wait time: 50 mins, Actual wait time: 10 (The set's were nice, but it's basically just the doctor in the first room and about 20 Michael Myers popping out with his plastic knife. This was my least favorite house. Michael plus mirror's to give you more reflections.
  3. Tomb of the Ancients: Rating-9 Posted wait time: 60, Actual wait time: 15 (The set's are awesome. Indiana Jone's could have filmed in this tent) They really could brighting the lighting just a bit to show off their awesome details. This house should not be missed!
  4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Rating-8 Posted wait time: 60 Actual wait time: 30 (The facade of the house is great. I have never seen this movie but this house was scary and impressive. The carry the theme even as you are on the path after exiting the house. (You will get it once you go!) This house should not be missed.
  5. Krampus: Rating 7 Posted wait time 50, Actual wait time 45: The facade is impressive when you first enter. I was surprised it was so tall being in the Shreck building. The set's are decorated very well. This is the "fun house" and It was fun and creepy. I really like this house. The little elves were really cool.
  6. Chance 3D Lunatic's Playground-Rating-6 Posted wait time 75, Actual wait time 90. The entrance for this is right beside Bill and Ted. The que is the extended que from Men and Black.....It's brutal with switchbacks that make you think your getting closer, when your still a long way's to getting in. One the upside there are water fountains and fan's in this area. The house has the vortex from previous years and lots of white rooms with glowing paint. It was an ok house but it was not worth that long of a wait.
  7. Curse of Lightning Gulch Rating 8 Posted wait time: 50, actual wait time 5 mins! I have to rate this high just because the set's are simply awesome. The western scare actor's are not that scary, but your also in no rush to hurry by Universal craftsmanship with creating this ghost town. This house should not be missed for those who love intricate sets and props.
  8. The Walking Dead-Rating 6 Posted wait time: 50, actual wait time 80. First let me say I am a big fan of the show and I have been to the first two houses. This is a mash up of best of moment's with all the prop's they have acquired the past 5 years. The biggest problem is doing this house after AHS which has character look alike's playing the role's we saw from television. This has none of our beloved characters, Just zombies. Unless your a huge fan and this house has little wait (which is unlikely) I would skip it for a better house. (This house was very long though)
  9. Exorcist Rating 9 wait time 60, actual 60 I really was going to skip this house because I thought how can they stretch a movie that happened in one room into a large sound stage. Well, Universal did an awesome job with this house. I was very impressed with the entrance and you go inside the mind of the little girl as the stages of her demonic take over takes place. This house to me seemed LONG and it seemed longer then every other house. each room is a good size and the lighting is perfect. This house is not to be missed!
Scare zones: I was not very impressed with the scare zone's, but the most impressive ones's were close to E.T. and in front of the old Earth Quake Area. The other area's were pretty bad. The scare zone in front of mummy had people wearing black gas mask and once it was dark they just were kind of hidden. The high school bloody vampires around the Hollywood area was pretty bad. There were multiple people with chain saws which always get a reaction.

Rides: There were six rides open: Although Mummy was closed for most of the event. When it did open I think they were only loading one side as it got an hour wait.
  • Transformers Wait time hovered at 5 mins
  • Rock-it Wait time hovered around 45 mins
  • The Mummy-Wait time hovered around 60 mins
  • Men in Black-Wait time hovered around 15 mins
  • The Simpson's Wait time hovered around 15 mins
  • Escape from Gringott's wait time hovered around 20 mins
Hope everyone has fun! It was a long night and I left the park around 1:30 in the morning. This was the first time I was ever able to do all houses in one night. I did also stop for a 30 min dinner break.
Pleasantly surprised that tonight (Saturday) was less busy than Friday night. Always amazes me that I can do a house one night and my opinion of that house can completely change the second night. AMH was top house for me. It rings true with the series. Halloween was my least fav. Exorcist was my sleeper pick. I didn't think they could do much with the house, but the girls were really creepy. Chance's 3-D house, well if you like 3-D houses then you'll like this one. Krampus was the one I liked much more the second time I saw it. Timing was way off the first night so this one should continue to get better. Also enjoyed the Academy of Villians.
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Went opening night. Houses aren't bad but nothing really stands out from what I remember. Last year's event had so much more energy than this year's, but I'll give it another shot in a few weeks.

As of right now - I think the most glaring issue that stands out to me is how separated the event feels. You have the sound stage houses + Krampus packed on one end of the park, and then all of the other houses on the other end of the park. There's huge pockets of nothing that don't do the event any favors. The entire production lacks cohesiveness. Anybody else feel this way? There's a pretty big contract between last year's event and this year's and it's not good.
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Went opening night. Houses aren't bad but nothing really stands out from what I remember. Last year's event had so much more energy than this year's, but I'll give it another shot in a few weeks.

As of right now - I think the most glaring issue that stands out to me is how separated the event feels. You have the sound stage houses + Krampus packed on one end of the park, and then all of the other houses on the other end of the park. There's huge pockets of nothing that don't do the event any favors. The entire production lacks cohesiveness. Anybody else feel this way? There's a pretty big contract between last year's event and this year's and it's not good.
I agree about the house situation but there's isn't much you can do about it at the moment.

I never expected this year to be better than last. It was the 25th Anniversary.