Or Charles and Checkmate are the same property. In the Q&A Murdy was asked if he would make a maze based on a Stephen King book or film. He said he would absolutely if he were allowed to - an open ended answer. He did not say " we can't we're not allowed to". The next question should have been "are you allowed to this year?"
King famously will not give the rights to his books for haunts. But what about the rights to films based on those books? How much control does he have over the films? Particularly how much control would he have over film rights he sold at the beginning of his career before he became the power he is today? The Shining was shot by Stanley Kubrick for Warner Brothers and King has said many times he was not happy with the film. He had his "own" version made for television many years later. The rights would be controlled, I believe by the Kubrick estate and Warners. And they just succeeded in a difficult negotiation with Warners last year for The Exorcist - a property they had pursued for years and years. The contract allowed the maze in three separate HHN events last year. So Warners has now gotten into a comfortable place with Universal for HHN rights - could they have circumvented Stephen King entirely and got The Shining?
As someone pointed out Murdy said he was surprised they are even doing Charles which would point to a property long thought impossible to acquire, and the elevator scene indeed fits quite well with what he had been saying as well. So why Charles?
Charles is the name of the future King.
Odds are if they have gotten The Shining it will be a shared IP, how could they not use it wherever they can? I'd expect it in Hollywood, Orlando and Osaka like with The Exorcist.
So could Checkmate be for The Shining as well?
Checkmate is what you say when you finally take the King.
All of this is, of course, mere speculation.