it always seems to me that the streets at studios are too wide and too loud to be scary. theres too much space to feel claustrophobic,
and you always have the Rip Ride coaster going on and you have the noise from the crowds and you had the noise from the shows outside like Jack's show or Academy of villains going on,
plus the noise from the people talking and laughing. the crowds are too big, scarezones end up feeling more like a party now, Obviously people Still get scared in the zones, or startled. because the actors do a really good job at sneaking up on you, but the zones now feel more like a big block party.
the zones i felt were really really scary were at Howl O Scream due to the lack of people and their smaller streets, as well as all the trees and all the nature around them, HOS was really creepy. made me feel unsafe lol