Halloween Horror Nights 28 General Discussion | Page 403 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 28 General Discussion

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Sometimes i wonder how far the abuse will go until the actors are behind plexiglass or until hhn is cancelled. Ive always been shocking how the abuse is like a part of hhn that people have to endure. Kind of bizarre to have a n entertainment business where you can end up in the hospital
What if god forbid some crazy guest ends up going too far and ends up hurting someone to death.... jesus, makes me so scared foreveryone working....

Ive noticed that the killer klown zone has relaxed on using flash for pics. I sat by the zone and saw people using flash but the security werent really stopping them. Some people put their arms around the clowns shoulders but they werent stoped either.
Some of those pics were even posted on fb. People hugging the clowns from behind or their arm around their shoulders.
I know security cant catch everyone, but this time they werent even trying to stop anyone. They were just watching
Coordinators/Ops can’t possibly stop everyone who uses flash. There’s too many and often their focus is on other things (if there was an incident with another scareactor for instance it eats into the time their eyes can be on the street). For the most part they do their best though. Stand in Harvest for a bit and you’ll see people getting flagged down left and right.
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I wonder if it has increased over the years, or has gotten more extreme. I know it happens every year, but i wonder if there are differences from year to year.

I think so.
In just the past few years alone I've seen more of the following:
Ambulances arriving at the houses (saw 2 last week)
People urinating in line
Loud annoying drunks
Groups of people talking to security at the end of a house (Saw this like every night I was there last week)

People don't know how to behave and it seems to be getting worse.
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I wonder if it has increased over the years, or has gotten more extreme. I know it happens every year, but i wonder if there are differences from year to year.
It’s overwhelmingly drunk adults but the increase in obnoxious kids this year has added an extra element. They aren’t really harmful though, just annoying. The people who are drunk are the ones who get violent with the actors.
Sometimes i wonder how far the abuse will go until the actors are behind plexiglass or until hhn is cancelled. Ive always been shocking how the abuse is like a part of hhn that people have to endure. Kind of bizarre to have a n entertainment business where you can end up in the hospital
What if god forbid some crazy guest ends up going too far and ends up hurting someone to death.... jesus, makes me so scared foreveryone working....

Ive noticed that the killer klown zone has relaxed on using flash for pics. I sat by the zone and saw people using flash but the security werent really stopping them. Some people put their arms around the clowns shoulders but they werent stoped either.
Some of those pics were even posted on fb. People hugging the clowns from behind or their arm around their shoulders.
I know security cant catch everyone, but this time they werent even trying to stop anyone. They were just watching
I would think they'd be behind barrier nets before plexiglass...but it is something to ponder

They won't cancel HHN haha

Just comparing to my time at HOS and HHN, the report rate is much higher at HHN. Normally the guests are tracked down.
Which is weird because the actors seems a little bit more exposed at HOS
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I think so.
In just the past few years alone I've seen more of the following:
Ambulances arriving at the houses (saw 2 last week)
People urinating in line
Loud annoying drunks
Groups of people talking to security at the end of a house (Saw this like every night I was there last week)

People don't know how to behave and it seems to be getting worse.
This happens, really, all the time though.

Screamhouse (2002) got shutdown twice during the run to pull up an ambulance. We had people urinating in the house itself. One night, our nurse (an 18 year old girl) went home early because 3 different grown men had punched her in the face before she was halfway done with her second set. I reported a couple I saw literally setting an ambush for another scareactor.

Point being, this stuff has always happened. There have always been obnoxious teens and angry, violent drunks in attendance.

I think the big difference is that, now, scareactors can be far more vocal about what they put up with. In turn, fans are far more aware of it so they actually see it now.
This happens, really, all the time though.

Screamhouse (2002) got shutdown twice during the run to pull up an ambulance. We had people urinating in the house itself. One night, our nurse (an 18 year old girl) went home early because 3 different grown men had punched her in the face before she was halfway done with her second set. I reported a couple I saw literally setting an ambush for another scareactor.

Point being, this stuff has always happened. There have always been obnoxious teens and angry, violent drunks in attendance.

I think the big difference is that, now, scareactors can be far more vocal about what they put up with. In turn, fans are far more aware of it so they actually see it now.
I can confirm pretty much everything you just said has happened this year. Especially urinating in houses. It’s actually gotten to the point where they didn’t even shut the house after because it was deemed “not too bad”.
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This happens, really, all the time though.

Screamhouse (2002) got shutdown twice during the run to pull up an ambulance. We had people urinating in the house itself. One night, our nurse (an 18 year old girl) went home early because 3 different grown men had punched her in the face before she was halfway done with her second set. I reported a couple I saw literally setting an ambush for another scareactor.

Point being, this stuff has always happened. There have always been obnoxious teens and angry, violent drunks in attendance.

I think the big difference is that, now, scareactors can be far more vocal about what they put up with. In turn, fans are far more aware of it so they actually see it now.

I can confirm pretty much everything you just said has happened this year. Especially urinating in houses. It’s actually gotten to the point where they didn’t even shut the house after because it was deemed “not too bad”.

Ewwwww.. Nasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't know they were peeing in the houses too. Some people are really stupid. I hope those people are banned and fined huge penalties.
Pee? From what my friend said people literally sat down on the ground and just did their thing.

Wow! I would think ops would get involved at that point. I don't know how you say "stop" but....

Is the drinking gestapo out in force this year as it was last? I haven’t seen anyone complaining about it.
It was when I went at the first of the event, I liked it and maybe it was relaxed later on. Maybe I need to pick up express and a room to use my included night and see what is happening.
Wow! I would think ops would get involved at that point. I don't know how you say "stop" but....
I mean, I don’t doubt they tried. But it’s like when someone is throwing up in a house. You kinda just have to let it happen and deal with it after...
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