In light of my previous ignorance, I want to share a great moment I had with a scareactor in October. Was at the very end of Bride, for some reason the guy with the wand stopped us right at the exit (there was nobody in front of us so I don't know why we were stopped, but whatever). I was directly in front of the final boo glass just after the big gate thingy to the right just before the exit. Well, the girl (presumably) had done her scare and everything was stopped and the end music was playing and she was just standing facing me. So she did a little dance shimmy. So I shimmied back. She did a longer move, and I reciprocated. Well, we ended up in a "dance off" to pass the time (I can't dance a lick). I was with my goddaughter (who I go with a lot), and she just slowly turned around (she was in front of me and had no idea what was going on), and the look of absolute horror and bewilderment on her face was priceless. This dance off went on for AT LEAST two minutes. Then the wand guy waved us on, I saluted the scareactor, she saluted me back, and we went on our way.
Every year I end up with one crazy, bizarre story it seems. And that was it for this past year. It was the favorite impromptu moment I've had with a scareactor since I've been going to HHN. Just thought I'd share with you the balance some of the negative stuff people have done with scareactors.