Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Reviews, Photos, & Videos | Page 8 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Reviews, Photos, & Videos

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Night 4 rankings (Standby+Express)

1. Insidious The Further 10/10 - 3 runs
2. Universal Monsters Eternal Bloodlines 10/10 - 2 runs
3. Major Sweets Candy Factory 10/10 - 2 runs
4. Slaughter Sinema 2 10/10 - 2 runs
5. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire 9/10 - 2 runs
6. Triplets of Terror 9/10 - 2 runs
7. Goblins Feast 8.5/10 - 2 runs
8. A Quiet Place 8/10 - 1 run
9. Monstruos The Monsters of Latin America 7.5/10 - 1 run
10. The Museum: Deadly Exhibits 5/10 - 1 run
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Now that ROF is done my HHN season is officially over. I got to go 5 total nights and went through every house between 4-5 times. My final rankings:

1. Slaughter Sinema 2 - I just love these types of houses where there's a lot of variety and a fun atmosphere.
2. Insidious - Jumped a bit in the rankings because it never stopped scaring the *$&^ out of me. So creepy.
3. Major Sweets - I loved the story and the set design was great. I hope we get more Major Sweets in the future!
4. Goblins - A fun concept and the costumes and sets were amazing. I loved how much fun the cast was having here.
5. Ghostbusters FE - They nailed it. Everything from the tiny details of the mini Pufts moving around ever so slightly to the Frozen room. And the villain costumes were great. You can never get enough stilt walkers in houses.
6. A Quiet Place - Got better and better each time I went through it. A perfect retelling of the movies, but nothing really blew me away in terms of scares.
7. Monstruos - Another house that got better and scarier each week. And again, stilt walkers!
8. Museum - The 8 and 9 spot can easily be swapped back and forth with Triplets. The sets were great (and felt really long for a Sprung house), but overall a boring house that had a lot of missed potential.
9. Triplets - I did not care for this story at all. A couple small scares here and there, but nothing pulled me in. And this house felt incredibly short.
10. Universal Monsters - The only house I felt disappointed in. The story felt flat and though I appreciate they tried to mix it up a little bit this year, I think I'm just over the constant use of these characters. Plus more than half the times I went through it, there were lots of empty boo holes.
My review, with some spoilers (on a spotty internet connection so will post a few times as I update so I don't lose everything).

  1. Monstrous - this was far down my hype list as I wasn't thrilled by a Hollywood retread, didn't know the lure of the monsters, and it just wasn't in my wheelhouse but it was amazing! The baby blood suckers, wow. 10/10
  2. Insidious - I saw the first movie and that's it, I'm not a fan of the series, but holy crap is this house amazing! We had a group of girls in front of us getting all the scares in the beginning and they would stop and hug each other so there was a big gap. We got to the multi-scare room and they must have known that as they sprinted through. I lead my group and turned to my friends to make a comment about them when there was now nobody in front of us. Turn around and got a scare from Scareactor #4 (hope to make sense in the rest of my explanation) who was right in my face. Then SA #1 got me from the left, then SA #2 from the right, then SA #3 from my left, then SA #4 again coming out of their boo hole (they had walked right into the walking path for the first scare). Then I turned a corner and #4 got me again with their double boo hole. NEVER got anywhere near 5 scares in a single room, let alone 4 that really startled me. 10/10
  3. Ghostbusters - This was like 9 or 10 on my hype list, but boy did it deliver! It had an amazing multi-scare room as well that was amazing when you hit it right. Was confused by the "wet floor mat" by Pukey that didn't spray any water the whole week I was there. The GB battling Garaka (or whatever their name is) at the end was sometimes awesome, and sometimes the Scareactor couldn't be bothered to aim their proton pack at the lights on the wall. Overall, it was what I wanted in the first house that didn't deliver. Didn't like the movie at all, but the house was amazing. 9.5/10
  4. A Quiet Place - the silent gimmick didn't work as well as I had hoped, but everybody did pretty well playing along with it. LOVED the monsters (was super worried about them). The old guy yelling looked great, but then he just....sulked around after yelling. That took me out of it every time. Should have had him in a well lit area, where he screams, then an arm or something comes out and it goes dark (as I don't think the actor was fit enough for any kind of stunt). To have him scream, then just look down and pace back and forth made no sense when sound is what triggers the aliens to attack. 9.5/10
  5. Slaughter Sinema 2 - This was my #1 anticipated house and it definitely delivered, but didn't capture the lightening in a bottle like the first one that I had hoped it would. But my biggest gripe, which is going to sound ridiculously entitled, was the queue videos and the express line. Yes, I'm an Express snob and make no apologies about that, but the express queue meant that even when the line was backed up significantly, you only got a brief view and audio of the trailers playing. As soon as you went down the switchbacks to the "right side of the house", you couldn't see or hear anything. Did the house a bunch of times, and felt like I missed the new videos a lot! I saw Pumpkin Guts more than I saw anything from this year. At the end of the 4-row switchback, they really needed a second screen and speaker so that you could get up to speed with what was in the house. 9/10
  6. Goblins - I had this at the bottom of my hype list with Ghostbusters, but really enjoyed it. Nothing really stuck out, but it was a classic, solid HHN house that a decade or so ago might have been my favorite house of the year. Now it's just middle of the road for the event. Seemed like the Goblins might be trying to appease the Orcs/Ogres whatever with the feast? 7/10
  7. Sweets - not bad at all, but not great either. Liked the new layout for the location and had some GATs that I liked. Felt like it was the most violent house of the year which was pretty surprising. 6.5/10
  8. Triplets - not sure what was going on, but enjoyed the house. Kinda cookie cutter and nothing at all stood out, but enjoyed it. 6/10
  9. The Museum - not sure what the half Freddy Krueger / half Poltergeist guys were supposed to be, but was a good house. Had one awesome run through of the house, but the rest weren't that great. 6/10
  10. Universal Monsters - this house was pretty boring. Most of the scares were sound cues with characters stepping out from cover. Not really trying to scare you. It was like a PG13 horror movie scare where it has to be a "out of nowhere appearance" type scare. The story was also sooooooo hard to follow. They had transition areas where they had narration, but with a conga line you would step into the room mid-explanation, then leave the room before you could understand what the hell was going on. When the house is heavy on narration, you need to be able to hear the full narration to follow along. The timid/un-kinetic scares coupled with the impossible to follow narration really made this house the worst Monsters house BY FAR in my opinion. 5/10
  1. Swamp - Loved it the first night we went. The misters vs just fog was a great touch and loved it when the ground was wet. After the first night, seemed like the zone was either not misted or was half done. That was disappointing, but this was my favorite zone in the location since Trick R Treat. 9/10
  2. Torture Faire - This was pretty much exactly what I expected (and feared). The props were great and the mini show was pretty entertaining, but there weren't nearly enough Scareactors for such a large zone and some, like pyramid head, were just wandering around and not really trying for scares. 7.5/10
  3. Queens - Didn't care for this zone at all, but the last 2 were so bad I had to put it here. Boring, but pretty. 6/10
  4. Blumbhouse - It did what it intended to do. Didn't get to see a dancing M3gan hoard. No real scares to be had. You expect one of these zones per year, this was unfortunately even weak for that expectation. 5/10
  5. S1n3s+3r & Surr#41 - just horrible. Not at all a scare zone. On our 3rd or 4th night going, finally saw them up on the scaffolding. Every other night, just boring chainsaws and a sign. Might challenge whatever the black chainlink fence zone for the worst of all time. Only giving it a 1 for the 1 time I saw them up on the stage. 1/10


Thought that Nightmare Fuel was AMAZING this year. Loved the whole show. Previous years around the 20min mark or so, I'm looking at my watch waiting for it to end...not this year! It was amazing and the ushers were on fire dancing pre-show. 10/10


First off, it needs draft beer options. Draft beer was so hard to find during the event that for the first time ever, I didn't buy a blinky cup. Had to offer to pay the difference for a friend to get a signature drink so I could get the cup.

The Wolfman set up by the former Peacock bar...was gone? It was just a generic HHN selfie backdrop banner.

The HHN Bar was cool, but I thought there was going to be like 8 rotating scareactors, we saw the same 3 every single time. Maybe saw a different Punk guy from Heavy Metal Hell once. There was NEVER a line at the bar. I assume because of lack of non-alcoholic and beer options. Can't have the marquee bar be the weakest in terms of drink options. The lines for every Freestyle machine was longer than the bar.

Dead Coconut was OK. Only went once and it was hotter than hell upstairs. Either they had the A/C super low, or they had circulation off as it was hot, stuffy, and stagnant air. Walk by other times and there was a line out the door, hope the A/C issues were an anomaly or else feel bad for the people who were crowded in. Again, only went once, but didn't see/hear any kind of show and was there for a few rounds of drinks so that was disappointing.

Given the alcohol prices, and where this event has been before (and where HoS Orlando is right up the street) was very disappointed with the drink options this year. 6/10
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  1. A Quiet Place - the silent gimmick didn't work as well as I had hoped, but everybody did pretty well playing along with it. LOVED the monsters (was super worried about them). The old guy yelling looked great, but then he just....sulked around after yelling. That took me out of it every time. Should have had him in a well lit area, where he screams, then an arm or something comes out and it goes dark (as I don't think the actor was fit enough for any kind of stunt). To have him scream, then just look down and pace back and forth made no sense when sound is what triggers the aliens to attack. 9.5/10
A Death Angel does reach out and pull him in. So you got really unlucky every run lol

Also - I've mentioned it before, but unless it's Creature From the Black Lagoon.. maybe they should take a break from UCM houses. The concepts are getting stretched thin lol
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TLDR - I did not care for this year.

Now that our season is done in 6 nights for our RoF + Express, I've been looking back and thinking about my experience and also seeing what everyone else is thinking. It definitely is a very very different year this year and I still can't put my finger on why it feels that way for me.

Just going to be blunt, this year sucked. For me three things broke the pattern
1) It was great seeing our friends in the fog and I felt like we ran into almost everyone this year
2) Ghostbusters (house, merch, smore) was the only thing that felt good and reminded me of HHN and made me smile
3) New sprung tent locations were very well done and I appreciated not having the hell or death march, bathroom area over there was surprisingly nice and clean. only negative is that black asphalt is a bit on the warm side.

Everything felt confuddled, confused, reused, thrown together, and without care.
The scarezones were photo ops and didn't seem to feel connected or spooky at all.
The houses were all over the place with very easy to predict scares.
The food and drinks were mostly not great.
Nightmare Fuel was neat but it felt like the same show I've seen before but with clown paint on it.
Icons were throw away.
Ops overwhelmed and poorly managed and staffed.

I think I'ma just leave it at that to keep this sort of short and not put out additional negativity for others that have a different opinion
If you are referring to A Chance In Hell, that zone at least had decor, a stage for the icon and was tied to the event's aesthetic that year. It' wasn't my favorite, but it at least classified as a zone.

A chainsaw horde, is not a proper scare zone.

Edit: Just for reference, there have been "terrible" zones in the past few years that most people agreed weren't great (The Harvest, Altars of Horror, 30 Years 30 Fears, CryptTV, etc.) ... and yet somehow they managed to beat those.
30 Years 30 Fears was top notch imo. Loved the ambience of that zone.
We have been coming since 2008, and just came back from 6 days of HHN. Saw every house at least 3 times, including the day tour. I won't bore everyone with my opinion of
each house but overall I thought it was a very good HHN with some strong houses and no real clunker (well maybe Triplets). I agree the scare zones were more of a bother to
get through and did not add much to the atmosphere as in past years. The food was for the most part--bad, and the drinks were overpriced even for an amusement park.
While we were there, the crowds were nowhere as bad as last year, the small changes they made seemed to help. Still had a good trip.
Just returned from a full 4 days with Express. Some good yes, but the bad/worries I had throughout the spec season were cemented and very prevalent throughout. There were times when plenty of the *bad* was forgotten about, but more so due to being with friends there rather than the actual event making it special.

The disconnect with everything was the biggest miss that was felt for me. I have a friend in my group who goes, not as a fan but just to hang with us, and he told me unprovoked "This feels like **** compared to the last few years, does it not" - which was super telling to me. Really hope next year gets that step back to making HHN what it can, and should be, all aspects as a whole.

Zones: What has already been said. As expected too. Swamp not returning to form post-storm was a true bummer, Torture music was excellent, and well, we know the rest. I am curious how "successful" they'll deem the photo ops from the HHN bar, as every time I walked by Thur-Sun, it was empty as all hell. That's 4 more actors that can be in a zone actually scaring. I get it for some sure, but just feels like an overall swing and a miss, especially with how bare the "bar" is with the drink options they have there.
Not having entrances on that right side of the park hurts the amount of traffic that Hollywood has, which I thought found their stride and had some fun watching it for a good hour (also the area I saw Teens touch and harass scare actors the most all weekend in that hour, that's another conversation entirely).

Fine? As others have said, the stinkers could have been incredibly worse off.
Insidious getting back to just true uneasy, unnerving, stacked house of scares, was great. Maybe they will see those wait times it has had all event and look into having more than one house with that intensity. People love it.

Did a consensus ranking within my group, many die-hard fans, but also a few casuals:
1. Insidious The Further
2. Goblins Feast
3. Major Sweets Candy Factory
4. Slaughter Sinema 2
5. Triplets of Terror
*drop off*
6. Universal Monsters Eternal Bloodlines
7. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
8. Monstruos The Monsters of Latin America
9. A Quiet Place
10. The Museum: Deadly Exhibits

Did not fit in Nightmare Fuel this year, but looked to be another solid rendition, which makes me happy. Always have liked their shows, always a good time in that sauna of a venue for 45 minutes lol.

Tribute Store/Merch/Dead Coconut/Food/Vibe
For every positive and smile I had, felt like I got counterpunched from the other direction.
Clearly, the merch designs were a miss, and it was prevalent throughout the weekend based on what people were wearing and whenever I went into the store. Rough. The over-done Lil Boo merch was a choice all year, where it has very much overstayed it's welcome. Wonder how they'll pivot next year.

Dead Coconut was fun, while the Blumhouse section was forced into it, still nice to have some props there (should have just put the "scarezone" into the entire club if they had to go the Blumhouse route) - force people to get some drinks there too for those photo ops

Some food was a hit, some a miss, and while they went with fewer items and seemingly fewer booths this year compared to the last few, still had some booths with absolutely no lines when I would walk by. Always interesting to see what food items are absolute misses this early in the year, knowing how doomed they'll be the rest of the season, while the few hits (fish and chips, ghostbusters, monstrous) will have insane lines nightly.

Express did mitigate a ton of that "teen invasion" I have heard about, which was amazing compared to last few years, usually was 80-95% off the wait times every night, with half of the waits being under 6 minutes in prime time. Ops killed it there. Outside of that though, especially Thursday + Sunday nights with fewer teens, you could feel a weird vibe with everything. And sadly I don't have the perfect answers, but do know that improvements can easily be made next year. Am hopeful they can make them.

Bring back the Lagoon Show, fully fleshed out scare zones, Cabana Bay photo ops/fun exhibits, improve the merch, snack offerings, quality of drinks/options, and some more intensity to the houses again.
The watered-down offerings and quality really showed up this year for me, and on top of price hikes, am cautiously hopeful there's some return to form next year. Who knows with Epic.
Just returned from a full 4 days with Express. Some good yes, but the bad/worries I had throughout the spec season were cemented and very prevalent throughout. There were times when plenty of the *bad* was forgotten about, but more so due to being with friends there rather than the actual event making it special.

The disconnect with everything was the biggest miss that was felt for me. I have a friend in my group who goes, not as a fan but just to hang with us, and he told me unprovoked "This feels like **** compared to the last few years, does it not" - which was super telling to me. Really hope next year gets that step back to making HHN what it can, and should be, all aspects as a whole.

Zones: What has already been said. As expected too. Swamp not returning to form post-storm was a true bummer, Torture music was excellent, and well, we know the rest. I am curious how "successful" they'll deem the photo ops from the HHN bar, as every time I walked by Thur-Sun, it was empty as all hell. That's 4 more actors that can be in a zone actually scaring. I get it for some sure, but just feels like an overall swing and a miss, especially with how bare the "bar" is with the drink options they have there.
Not having entrances on that right side of the park hurts the amount of traffic that Hollywood has, which I thought found their stride and had some fun watching it for a good hour (also the area I saw Teens touch and harass scare actors the most all weekend in that hour, that's another conversation entirely).

Fine? As others have said, the stinkers could have been incredibly worse off.
Insidious getting back to just true uneasy, unnerving, stacked house of scares, was great. Maybe they will see those wait times it has had all event and look into having more than one house with that intensity. People love it.

Did a consensus ranking within my group, many die-hard fans, but also a few casuals:
1. Insidious The Further
2. Goblins Feast
3. Major Sweets Candy Factory
4. Slaughter Sinema 2
5. Triplets of Terror
*drop off*
6. Universal Monsters Eternal Bloodlines
7. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
8. Monstruos The Monsters of Latin America
9. A Quiet Place
10. The Museum: Deadly Exhibits

Did not fit in Nightmare Fuel this year, but looked to be another solid rendition, which makes me happy. Always have liked their shows, always a good time in that sauna of a venue for 45 minutes lol.

Tribute Store/Merch/Dead Coconut/Food/Vibe
For every positive and smile I had, felt like I got counterpunched from the other direction.
Clearly, the merch designs were a miss, and it was prevalent throughout the weekend based on what people were wearing and whenever I went into the store. Rough. The over-done Lil Boo merch was a choice all year, where it has very much overstayed it's welcome. Wonder how they'll pivot next year.

Dead Coconut was fun, while the Blumhouse section was forced into it, still nice to have some props there (should have just put the "scarezone" into the entire club if they had to go the Blumhouse route) - force people to get some drinks there too for those photo ops

Some food was a hit, some a miss, and while they went with fewer items and seemingly fewer booths this year compared to the last few, still had some booths with absolutely no lines when I would walk by. Always interesting to see what food items are absolute misses this early in the year, knowing how doomed they'll be the rest of the season, while the few hits (fish and chips, ghostbusters, monstrous) will have insane lines nightly.

Express did mitigate a ton of that "teen invasion" I have heard about, which was amazing compared to last few years, usually was 80-95% off the wait times every night, with half of the waits being under 6 minutes in prime time. Ops killed it there. Outside of that though, especially Thursday + Sunday nights with fewer teens, you could feel a weird vibe with everything. And sadly I don't have the perfect answers, but do know that improvements can easily be made next year. Am hopeful they can make them.

Bring back the Lagoon Show, fully fleshed out scare zones, Cabana Bay photo ops/fun exhibits, improve the merch, snack offerings, quality of drinks/options, and some more intensity to the houses again.
The watered-down offerings and quality really showed up this year for me, and on top of price hikes, am cautiously hopeful there's some return to form next year. Who knows with Epic.
I’m confused by the comment, “Swamp not returning to form post-storm was a true bummer.” Could someone clarify?
Just returned from a full 4 days with Express. Some good yes, but the bad/worries I had throughout the spec season were cemented and very prevalent throughout. There were times when plenty of the *bad* was forgotten about, but more so due to being with friends there rather than the actual event making it special.

The disconnect with everything was the biggest miss that was felt for me. I have a friend in my group who goes, not as a fan but just to hang with us, and he told me unprovoked "This feels like **** compared to the last few years, does it not" - which was super telling to me. Really hope next year gets that step back to making HHN what it can, and should be, all aspects as a whole.

Zones: What has already been said. As expected too. Swamp not returning to form post-storm was a true bummer, Torture music was excellent, and well, we know the rest. I am curious how "successful" they'll deem the photo ops from the HHN bar, as every time I walked by Thur-Sun, it was empty as all hell. That's 4 more actors that can be in a zone actually scaring. I get it for some sure, but just feels like an overall swing and a miss, especially with how bare the "bar" is with the drink options they have there.
Not having entrances on that right side of the park hurts the amount of traffic that Hollywood has, which I thought found their stride and had some fun watching it for a good hour (also the area I saw Teens touch and harass scare actors the most all weekend in that hour, that's another conversation entirely).

Fine? As others have said, the stinkers could have been incredibly worse off.
Insidious getting back to just true uneasy, unnerving, stacked house of scares, was great. Maybe they will see those wait times it has had all event and look into having more than one house with that intensity. People love it.

Did a consensus ranking within my group, many die-hard fans, but also a few casuals:
1. Insidious The Further
2. Goblins Feast
3. Major Sweets Candy Factory
4. Slaughter Sinema 2
5. Triplets of Terror
*drop off*
6. Universal Monsters Eternal Bloodlines
7. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
8. Monstruos The Monsters of Latin America
9. A Quiet Place
10. The Museum: Deadly Exhibits

Did not fit in Nightmare Fuel this year, but looked to be another solid rendition, which makes me happy. Always have liked their shows, always a good time in that sauna of a venue for 45 minutes lol.

Tribute Store/Merch/Dead Coconut/Food/Vibe
For every positive and smile I had, felt like I got counterpunched from the other direction.
Clearly, the merch designs were a miss, and it was prevalent throughout the weekend based on what people were wearing and whenever I went into the store. Rough. The over-done Lil Boo merch was a choice all year, where it has very much overstayed it's welcome. Wonder how they'll pivot next year.

Dead Coconut was fun, while the Blumhouse section was forced into it, still nice to have some props there (should have just put the "scarezone" into the entire club if they had to go the Blumhouse route) - force people to get some drinks there too for those photo ops

Some food was a hit, some a miss, and while they went with fewer items and seemingly fewer booths this year compared to the last few, still had some booths with absolutely no lines when I would walk by. Always interesting to see what food items are absolute misses this early in the year, knowing how doomed they'll be the rest of the season, while the few hits (fish and chips, ghostbusters, monstrous) will have insane lines nightly.

Express did mitigate a ton of that "teen invasion" I have heard about, which was amazing compared to last few years, usually was 80-95% off the wait times every night, with half of the waits being under 6 minutes in prime time. Ops killed it there. Outside of that though, especially Thursday + Sunday nights with fewer teens, you could feel a weird vibe with everything. And sadly I don't have the perfect answers, but do know that improvements can easily be made next year. Am hopeful they can make them.

Bring back the Lagoon Show, fully fleshed out scare zones, Cabana Bay photo ops/fun exhibits, improve the merch, snack offerings, quality of drinks/options, and some more intensity to the houses again.
The watered-down offerings and quality really showed up this year for me, and on top of price hikes, am cautiously hopeful there's some return to form next year. Who knows with Epic.
I see a lot of complaints about the drinks. While the price is pretty high, to get bartender made cocktails was a HUGE plus. Some good ones would consistently make me triples! Although I had one bartender try and charge me extra for a double when that seemed to be the standard from everyone else.
When people talk about quality of drinks, what are they referring to? Having the opportunity to get mixed/well drinks was pretty great this year, albeit absurdly expensive. The pre-mixed crap is, well, crap. I can’t imagine they used to be any better than they are now.

Pretty happy with the beer selection, too, though I wish there were more places to get draft beer (this is a daytime complaint, too — albeit more of a nitpick).
I see a lot of complaints about the drinks. While the price is pretty high, to get bartender made cocktails was a HUGE plus. Some good ones would consistently make me triples! Although I had one bartender try and charge me extra for a double when that seemed to be the standard from everyone else.
IMO, the mixed drinks are a novelty. Margarita ones are great this year but if your goal is to get hammered (not endorsing, just occasionally participating) you really can't beat the fact that they offer a liquor + mixer as a refill option now. Great move by Universal on that
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When people talk about quality of drinks, what are they referring to? Having the opportunity to get mixed/well drinks was pretty great this year, albeit absurdly expensive. The pre-mixed crap is, well, crap. I can’t imagine they used to be any better than they are now.

Pretty happy with the beer selection, too, though I wish there were more places to get draft beer (this is a daytime complaint, too — albeit more of a nitpick).
For sure. Relatively happy with the options, sans pricing of course lol. Simply my groups own nitpick and not speaking for others (ones a bartender and it's all I heard from him annoyed all weekend lol), shoulda emphasized all the other wishlist things and takeaways instead :nervous:
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For sure. Relatively happy with the options, sans pricing of course lol. Simply my groups own nitpick and not speaking for others (ones a bartender and it's all I heard from him annoyed all weekend lol), shoulda emphasized all the other wishlist things and takeaways instead :nervous:
Haha I was just curious to learn more because you’re not the first person to bring it up.