Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 277 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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Let A&D cook, judge it when you taste the dish


How dare you be reasonable and judge something by what it is and not what you want something to be. (I kid, of course)

re: the Ghostbusters video, the original 2019 video was fun homages to the original movie and got me pumped. This one felt more like social media content. That's perfectly fine. I already bought my tickets, they're trying to sell to people to come have fun, not purely kowtow to diehard fans like us. They also had to reflect the content of the new movie. Least we got an announcement!

My favorite announcement videos ever were Ghostbusters and Bride of Frankenstein Lives. I think they nailed them so well, and they'll be hard to top in my opinion.

God, that Bride of Frankenstein video was a work of beauty. Really stellar stuff.
Remember when HHN marketed itself as a “PG-13” event?

And in ways, it still is. The general warning that's still posted everywhere states it's "Not recommended for children under the age of 13".

PG-13 is still very much the baseline for the event, and that's a factor on why any griping of PG-13 films/claiming they're making the event kid-friendly don't hold any water.

I usually don’t comment on speculation, as i’ve learned that going into something with any sort of expectation is what murders enjoyment. I do love to follow along, I love knowing what is coming ahead of the GP, but I recognize that its an ever-changing event behind the scenes. I could’ve even written a dissertation about how bummed I was that NoES ended up on the cutting room floor (if it was even in the room to begin with) because it’s the first horror movie I watched when I was 8 years old. But at the end of the day, it wasn’t announced, the only thing I’m bothered by is that the speculation was wrong.

I’ve been going to HHN every year since 2010, haven’t missed a single year including HHN Lite, and I plan to go every year after that regardless. I know for some, IPs may make a difference, but at the end of the day, the creative team knows what they are doing.

I’m not trying to say that we can’t have opinions, everyone has one. Chucky was my most anticipated house last year and we know how that turned out; even though I did moderately enjoy it more than some others. Darkest Deal last year was the one house during spec season that I thought, yeah I really don’t know how that’s gonna work out, but still went in with an open mind because year after year this team puts together amazing (for the most part) houses that are just fun to go through. I just go into things with an open mind. They almost always have at least 1 thing that will cater to any specific taste.

Once we go through these houses, thats where we can discuss the success or failure of a house/scarezone by the actual product that they delivered, as opposed to the idea we create of what we think they should do.

Let A&D cook, judge it when you taste the dish

If I could give a post multiple favorites/likes etc., I would absolutely do so for this one. Wonderfully put in both the long form and the TLDR!

God, that Bride of Frankenstein video was a work of beauty. Really stellar stuff.

Agreed, I loved the manic Sam Rami energy that trailer had. Easily one of the best they've done.
2 pg-13 'horror' houses, 1 pg-13 comedy cash grab, a candy factory, night of the museum-ish house, drive in house, a birthday party house, a day of the dead scarezone, and a toys scare zones. Remember a few months ago when everybody complained about kids at the event? Better get used to it. Just sayin'

All do respect, you are seriously over simplifying the contents of the lineup to try to pass off that the whole event is going to be aimed toward kids.

Let’s not try to pretend that there not will be gore in Slaughter Sinema, probably acts of Cannibalism in Sweets, huge amounts of Violence in Triplets, and considering how creepy the TOYZ SZ in Hollywood was last year we shouldn’t discount that either.

Those IPs also could be very much scary. I don’t understand the deal with people also saying Quiet place is tame either. I myself am surprised those first two films are PG13.

The PG-13 arguments make absolutely no sense to me. PG-13 horror is becoming more and more popular by the year and a significant chunk of the most popular horror IP would fall under the PG13 umbrella.

this makes me laugh so much because a lot of people keep begging for a Simpsons style house lol :lol: or some people have said in the past that we could have a Scooby Doo house (maybe they was me :lol: ) or gremlins lol.
if this years movie line up is making some people be upset, imagine a year that has the Simpsons on it LOL. or a Harry Potter house or something.....

KRAMPUS was pg 13 .....great house.....
poltergeist was pg ....great house ......
dracula untold was pg 13 and we had a good house,
killer clowns pg 13 ..mm Great house and zone...... alien vs predator was pg 13 and we had a great house,
The Ring was pg 13, which we had a little bit of in a house in 2006,
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Looks like somebody cracked the code for locations.

For those who don't have Twitter or just can't see it, these locations are now fully confirmed:
  • Monstruos - SS23A (Blood Moon)
  • A Quiet Place - SS22 (Exorcist)
  • Ghostbusters - SS23B (ST4)
  • Triplets - SS24B (Yeti)
  • Major Sweets - F&F (Chucky)
  • Goblins - Sprung 4 (new!)
  • Slaughter Sinema 2 - Sprung 2 (Oddfellow's)
  • Museum - Sprung 1 (Darkest Deal)
For those who don't have Twitter or just can't see it, these locations are now fully confirmed:
  • Monstruos - SS23A (Blood Moon)
  • A Quiet Place - SS22 (Exorcist)
  • Ghostbusters - SS23B (ST4)
  • Triplets - SS24B (Yeti)
  • Major Sweets - F&F (Chucky)
  • Goblins - Sprung 4 (new!)
  • Slaughter Sinema 2 - Sprung 2 (Oddfellow's)
  • Museum - Sprung 1 (Darkest Deal)
thank you for this.
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Reactions: HHN Maddux
For those who don't have Twitter or just can't see it, these locations are now fully confirmed:
  • Monstruos - SS23A (Blood Moon)
  • A Quiet Place - SS22 (Exorcist)
  • Ghostbusters - SS23B (ST4)
  • Triplets - SS24B (Yeti)
  • Major Sweets - F&F (Chucky)
  • Goblins - Sprung 4 (new!)
  • Slaughter Sinema 2 - Sprung 2 (Oddfellow's)
  • Museum - Sprung 1 (Darkest Deal)
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