PsychoScarepy- I was disappointed. With such good reviews on the past houses I was pumped for my first PS. With repetitive rooms, and inmates that weren't even ghosts. I did like the
hands and finale with the doctors music and strobes but I have to give it a
ZombieGeddon- Sure this house had scares, but I just thought this house was just really fun. With an actual continuous story going on it was really cool. As this was my 1st year following the whole event since construction I laughed inside when I saw the van. Overall, don't miss this house, it's awesome!
Orfanage- Even with a little repetitive sets going on, I liked it. I got some really good scares, and I loved the entrance! It's kind of weird you can see the JAWS lagoon with the
fire part, but it still was effective. I only saw Cindy 2 times, but i'm not going crazy as i'm not a big fan of her. It was so hot in this house when I got off I had charcoal on the side of my face.(Or i'm just a weirdo

Havoc- Man, this house was long! It was also very chaotic! This was my most anticipated and it did not disappoint me. I really liked the costumes and sets. The SA's felt very into their role and were aggressive.The facade beat the Spawning's by far.
Catacombs- Sadly, we went in during the cast change. I got about 3 scares. The only thing holding this house up was the atmosphere.
Horror Nights: Oh my god. This house was amazing. I don't care if I diddnt get that much of scares, this house had so many awesome props! I must say, all the rooms were fun, but the Dead Exposure room made me almost sprint through! Overall I loved this house!
Hades- This house had some really dramatic music. I loved the costumes and facade. Once again repetitive scenes but the scares and costumes made up for it. The
vibrating floor got me really good! Is Hades even there? I didn't see him.
Legendary Truth- I know this house has potential, it's just that I got a bad spot. And sadly I only go one night, so I did this once. I only saw 2 or 3 effects.The facade was amazing though.
ScareZone review soon.
Overall this year was a great 2nd year! So much more intense than last year!