Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts | Page 43 | Inside Universal Forums

Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts

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That video is great - gives you a fantastic look at how they accomplish the "break away" Kuka screen. Thanks!

(I do have to agree that the script for the ride kinda blows... but Uni is very hit or miss with scripts, so...)
I rode Tuesday for the first time, and I hesitate to say I was underwhelmed because actually being on the thing felt sort of surreal to begin with. I really don't think I took it all in that first time, so I want to get a few more rides in before I make up my mind about it.

I do specifically recall that the smoke effect over the moving screen in that video was not working, there was just a gaping hole in the screen. The ride went down for about an hour while I was in line (at glasses distribution). My wife talked to the people that were on when it went down and they said they rode without any projections at all.
I rode Tuesday for the first time, and I hesitate to say I was underwhelmed because actually being on the thing felt sort of surreal to begin with. I really don't think I took it all in that first time, so I want to get a few more rides in before I make up my mind about it.

I do specifically recall that the smoke effect over the moving screen in that video was not working, there was just a gaping hole in the screen. The ride went down for about an hour while I was in line (at glasses distribution). My wife talked to the people that were on when it went down and they said they rode without any projections at all.

Yeah that launch at the end depends heavily on properly timed fog to make the effect work. Are all those screens projected from the back? or from the front at a steep angle from above? Because the way the fog covers the screen it seems like the projection is coming from the back.
I rode Tuesday for the first time, and I hesitate to say I was underwhelmed because actually being on the thing felt sort of surreal to begin with. I really don't think I took it all in that first time, so I want to get a few more rides in before I make up my mind about it.

I do specifically recall that the smoke effect over the moving screen in that video was not working, there was just a gaping hole in the screen. The ride went down for about an hour while I was in line (at glasses distribution). My wife talked to the people that were on when it went down and they said they rode without any projections at all.

The smoke effect was definitely working during my 2 rides yesterday (noon and 5 PM). And I just want agree with the previous comments and say that the back row in the back car is absolutely the place to be if you want thrills.

Also, the single riders line is definitely the way to go if you don't mind missing the queue. I waited 50 minutes (5 hour regular line posted) and 1 hour and 5 minutes (3 1/2 hour regular line posted with a brief 10 minute breakdown right before I loaded). As a local, I figured I can always check out the queue once the crowds die down a bit in the next month or so.
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the drop doesn't look that big at all. i'm sure it feels much longer than this video looks!

Keep in mind that the video was shot from the front row of the first car... by the time you see the lower track... those in the front have probably dropped 5-10 feet... but those in the second car, in the back row are 5-10 feet above where they started and thus 10-20 feet above the continuing track that you see below. The second car sounds like the ticket to fun, excitement and suspension of disbelief.
I was able to get my 2nd ride in today by going on the single riders line, it was about an hour wait this time. It was more enjoyable this time but I still set my expectations for it too high. I would say that FJ is easily a more fun and thrilling ride, while Gringotts is a better experience in general because everything is so well done. Except the ride still having issues, which will get worked out in time.
I got to ride it today for the first time, twice! I went in the single rider line at about 5, and it took me about 40 minutes. Then once I got off I went to go back in single rider but they closed it off for capacity so I waited for a few minutes til it opened back up again and my second wait was only half an hour! Awesome ride!, the only thing that stinks is I didn't get to see any of the queue other than part of the lobby.
I must say, this is the first ride that I have watched only on video, in various incantations, where I think it appears to be absolutely brilliant. As long as there are a few wind effects, I envy those who actually have been able to ride it and be in the world. I actually "feel" the fall effect on youtube video for crying out loud... how must that be in person in 3D!

Anyone notice that the two most distinct musical phrases in this ride are from Chamber of Secrets? The Riddle Diary music and then the magnificent end scene music. *Weep*.
Yeah, the simulated fall works really well in this ride -- probably better than the similar falls in Spidey and Transformers. The size of the screen and the clarity of the 3D help a lot.

The musical score adds so much to the ride too -- much better than the use of music in FJ.
So today I took my other half to DA to explore and we decided to chance the line for Gringotts. It was posted at 150 minutes but imagine my surprise when we got to the load station in less than an hour!! They still had the wait time posted at 150 minutes when we got out, even though the wait was a fraction of that (And that was still with just one side loading). Needless to say, he loved it!!
So today I took my other half to DA to explore and we decided to chance the line for Gringotts. It was posted at 150 minutes but imagine my surprise when we got to the load station in less than an hour!! They still had the wait time posted at 150 minutes when we got out, even though the wait was a fraction of that (And that was still with just one side loading). Needless to say, he loved it!!

What time did u ride?
Speaking of the music, probably the only nit pick complaint I can think of for this amazing ride is the slow crawl to the unloading area with nothing to look at. The first part of this tunnel of nothingness is accompanied with the majestic music which is gorgeous but I believe inappropriate for the ride, especially the way it has an ending cadence- an oddity for a theme park ride. Then the music ends and there's nothing but silence as you continue the slow crawl to the exit area. I feel like there should've been a different choice of music there, and not let it end so early. I'm a big believer in the power of musical scoring. Spiderman's scoring, for example, takes you all the way till you leave your ride vehicle, and this is one of the many unnoticed details of that ride that makes you leave with a certain kind of vibrant feeling.
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