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Harry Potter Reboot Series

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I mean, i'll give it a shot, but i'd much rather that they created a show/movie inspired by Hogwarts Legacy rather than going back to the Potter series that's already been told in book form and in a movie series.

A show will certainly allow them to expand upon the original source material since it doesn't have to be condensed to a 2-2.5 hour movie, but they'll be hard pressed to find a cast that's nearly as good as the original.

The HP game sold well

Why deny fans a show, they clearly want one
Would Howards legacy work better as a movie?
Maybe they are holding that one for a trilogy or something.

I'm kinda excited for this because like for example I always wished that Jurassic Park book had a faithful tv show. Yes the movie is perfect and everything but I wish we got a faithful reboot of Jurassic Park

So with potter, I'm kinda glad to see this. I hope it incorporates everything. Expands on everything
This could be what Rings of Power was supposed to be like but actually good. Expand on everything.
I think it could be good
Then make a sequel series, or a Hogwarts Legacy series. Hell, even an animated series could work.
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There are a bunch of questions for this series

1) Do Books 1 and 2 get lots of new scenes because they are the shortest books and the movies besides like a few scenes are 1 to 1 the books.
2) How do you film this? Like we get a season every yearish and they hope actors don't quit? We know Emma wanted to by movie 3/4 and this show will be even longer meaning more reasons for staff to want to leave before almost 10 years of there lives have gone on
3) Does JK now or even later threaten the show? I mean if she tweets something and it loses viewers then what?

While I would loveeeee to see many book scenes redone in live action, I feel a prequel to Hogwarts would just work much better but we will see what they choose. Also I'd be down for a TV show with Potter hunting down death eaters but doubt they can get the cast back for a series.
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This should take 7 years assuming they do one season a year. But yeah, you sign the actors to a contract to do the whole series. They can hire unknowns under the premise of we are going to make you insanely famous and pay you a lot of money, but we get you for a few months each of the next 7 years. Shouldn't be a problem casting it.

The could've always continued the story post the books and pick up at the "19 years later" point that Deathly Hallows Part 2 leaves us off at with their children going to Hogwarts. It'd be interesting to see the core cast back in supporting roles potentially as professors or even a headmaster. Then we could focus on the kids of the core characters from the main series.

I'd be a lot more interested in something like that rather than a reboot which I find to be a rather boring idea, although it'll definitely be popular.

That's been done with Cursed Child. I'm surprised they didn't turn that into a movie, but you about need the original actors to sell that.
From what I know doesn't JK pretty much have direct control to approve anything for it to get made? You make a contract for the whole series she approves upfront and make sure the lawyers prevent her from screwing things up later in that approval.

I am not sure how well cursed child would work as a movie. I liked it most in two parts. It was the most visually stunning thing I have ever seen on a stage.
They could've done a thousand other interesting ideas.

They could've done the Rise of Voldy, Law and Order: Aurors, The 4 Houses Origins, The Cursed Child... Hell, they could finish the Dumbledore/Grindelwald story without the FB tie-in.
Yeah, this is just lazy, boring, and reeks of the lack of originality major studios are currently operating with.

To be honest, I’m extremely surprised something like this would be considered for streaming because, sure it allows them to expand the books a bit, but you’d think if they are going to spend this kind of money, they would want theatrical releases to make money back.
I suspect some of the hesitation to do something original is the poor results of FB. If that would have done better numbers, I think we'd have seen more potter universe stories greenlit.
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I suspect some of the hesitation to do something original is the poor results of FB. If that would have done better numbers, I think we'd have seen more potter universe stories greenlit.
But once again, i'd rather see a series inspired by Cursed Child. "Inspired By" is key wording there because I wouldn't want to see a straight adaptation of the stage play, but I do think there's a lot of promise in the idea of bringing back the original cast for a Cursed Child movie trilogy or something.

I do genuinely wonder if this new version is really popular if we would see any changes on the theme parks side such as a swap in Forbidden Journey from using the Original casts likenesses to the new cast? A swap in the Potter bags to remove the Radcliffe Potter? Interesting to think about.
I think Universal's main concern would be a change to the overall look of the Wizarding World. But I think this will be an expansion of the current aesthetic with new talent.
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I think Universal's main concern would be a change to the overall look of the Wizarding World. But I think this will be an expansion of the current aesthetic with new talent.

With it being WB doing the series, I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed on the same sets to reduce costs.
Which makes the idea even dumber. LOL

"Everything you loved about the film series without the cast you loved!"
I'm still willing to give it a chance. It's not like the movies are going away plus with this being a series we're going to spend considerably more time with these characters and if done correctly this can be a new generations cast to grow up with and fall in love with. Of course if they get the casting wrong this could be a gigantic Amazon LOTR sized mistake.
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I think the sets are more iconic than the cast. People now have visuals for the castle itself. But none of that competes with the characters themselves. Beasts tried to get closer to Potter; maybe it was too little too late, or maybe people want Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

I guess none of this really matters cause we aren’t the target market. It’s meant to be for the next generation of kids.

Also, I don’t think they’d do this if there was literally any hope the original trio would come back.
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Also, I don’t think they’d do this if there was literally any hope the original trio would come back.
Debatable. This will be a lot cheaper than doing something with the original cast. They may have been willing to do it for a certain price, but considering that WBD is pretty much broke and they aren't going to be handing out huge pay days when they can just do this all over again.

As you said, the sets are actually more iconic. There has never been a Potter or Hermoine M&G at the wizarding world using Daniel or Emma's likeness and yet people don't even seem to notice that there isn't one since they are already having such a great time because the sets are really what make Hogsmeade and Diagon so beloved at Universal.
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Debatable. This will be a lot cheaper than doing something with the original cast. They may have been willing to do it for a certain price, but considering that WBD is pretty much broke and they aren't going to be handing out huge pay days when they can just do this all over again.

As you said, the sets are actually more iconic. There has never been a Potter or Hermoine M&G at the wizarding world using Daniel or Emma's likeness and yet people don't even seem to notice that there isn't one since they are already having such a great time because the sets are really what make Hogsmeade and Diagon so beloved at Universal.
I’m going to thread the needle as delicately as I can on this one.

I hear what you’re saying Nick. Money could be part of the situation, but I think that it doesn’t smooth over all edges. Plus we’re talking about the same company that is rebooting all of DC. If the trio wanted to, they would.

Based on what’s been going, both Radcliffe and Watson have been walking a line around Rowling. A lot of their behavior and interviews could effectively be seen as subtweeting. Radcliffe even had a pointed video release THIS week. Grint is the only one that has said he was willing to return. Realistically, this may be a topic for 10 years from now, possibly after the show concludes. Hell, maybe they can play them in the epilogue.
This gives me "Rings of Power" vibes...I watched all of the Rings of Power and, apart from a few special moments, it was boring...an apparent cash grab on a powerfully nostalgic IP. Looks to be the same here...
fwiw, I don't think rings of power is a cash grab. I think it's part of amazon's continued attempt to assert dominance in the film/television space because it's deeply important to jeff bezos. its failure is not from a lack of ambition!
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