Eh, they wasted her arc, IMO. Shouldve died last season. Wasted the Hound’s arc too. But then again, they’ve killed very very little of anyone with importance the last few years since the writing has gotten sloppy w/ no source material.
Keeping them alive just because “they’re badass” is weak storytelling. They could’ve given her a complete story; and an incredibly redeeming one, at that. What’s her purpose outside of “badass girl” at this point in the story? Honestly? Where does she go from here?
And when did she learn to be a master of archery, throwing knives and a staff as well? All in one episode. It’s “forced badassery” and it’s glaringly obvious. She was much better as an assassin and “badass” doesn’t suit her.
She’d be an incredibly lame Cersei killer w/ Jamie’s face. That, too, is lazy storytelling. Jamie needs to die by her hand or vice verse.