It wasn't a perfect finale, but I am far from being angry or mad at it. It's Game of Thrones, it is not always going to make sense or answer questions. Things NOT making sense logically or illogical, and skipping over things is half what I expect personally. I don't see it as a "happy ending" either. Jon is north of the wall, will see no one in the family ever again outside the wildlings, Sansa is at Winterfell, again seeing no one else but those in Winterfell most likely, Arya is going Jacque Coustea....again see no one again from the family. Bran is king, for who knows how long......and he is going to search for Drogon so yeah....I am sure he will be a swell King. Greyworm is angry at the world still over Missandei. Tyrion is back as the hand, though he doesn't want it and has to deal with Bronn as the master of coin and Bron as king....not what I call happy. I am still trying to find someone who is actually happy with where they ended up to say it was a happy ending.
What, was everyone supposed to die, and Jon be King? I never saw Jon taking the throne, rightful heir or not.