HHN 31: Hellblock Horror | Inside Universal Forums

HHN 31: Hellblock Horror

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Apr 18, 2018

As These Monsters Escape Their Prison, There’s No Escape for You

Enter a prison whose savage inmates are monstrous creatures. If they break free from their cells, it’s a death sentence for everyone.
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From the Discover Universal podcast:

It is set in a prison for monsters. The inmates have broken free and are threatening to tear apart the world as we know it. So, we're starting outside the penitentiary and we are sent into the corridors of carnage and once inside we are instantly attacked by beastly monsters, zombies, aliens, vampires, fiends of all kinds. It's just this monster stew of every type of threat you've ever experienced, every nightmare you've ever had. And they're all locked inside this prison and they've broken free. So, we have to fight our way through to reach the power core and seeing the entire facility destroyed by the detonation of the power core. So this is like this whole, we're diving into this gauntlet of carnage and blood splatter everywhere and we're like this 10th wave of guards coming into destroy this prison before it destroys our world & our reality. It's a total bloodbath. I will also say, HHN has a lot of history and there are some easter eggs in here. Wanted to throw a couple of things to the fans. If you've been coming for a long time you might be like "oh my god! they got locked in Hellblock Horror!". This has a little something for everybody.
So it’s basically a Cabin in the Woods original with a more industrial prison aesthetic. Given the last minute nature of the house, I think it comes down to intensity of the cast and scare setups. Some big swings for creature designs would help, because if it’s the usual generic suspects (ie all the creatures we’re gonna be seeing in the zones), I feel like this will underwhelm.
So it’s basically a Cabin in the Woods original with a more industrial prison aesthetic. Given the last minute nature of the house, I think it comes down to intensity of the cast and scare setups. Some big swings for creature designs would help, because if it’s the usual generic suspects (ie all the creatures we’re gonna be seeing in the zones), I feel like this will underwhelm.
It could be really fun or completely miss the mark

I think the vast majority of people will come out scratching their heads as to what they just walked through

That is, unless they convey the storyline clearly
It could be really fun or completely miss the mark

I think the vast majority of people will come out scratching their heads as to what they just walked through

That is, unless they convey the storyline clearly
personally im really glad that they went with monsters instead of regular human prisoners
regardless of how it goes, im very really glad it isnt regular prisoners
Tbh I think part of what makes me so unsure about how this'll be executed is how sparse the description is, we don't really know what kind of prison this is, if its just a repurposed old prison or if its futuristic and high tech, or why exactly it exists or why it has monsters in it. Maybe a repurposed and updated Hellgate, operated as an SCP-like facility run by a future Legendary Truth to contain and study the monsters of Horror Nights?
Heavy doubt on that, since it would be laying the fan service on a little thick, granted it would be kinda funny to see a legendary truth centered house act as the IP replacement 2 years in a row.
I love the description of "You are the 10th wave of low level guards sent in with the goal of surviving long enough to detonate the prison with you and all these horrific creatures inside." This could very much be the SCP house I know a lot of people have been looking for. I also do think that a house reutilizing a lot of various monster costumes they have had lying around for years is a pretty clever way to design a house given the time restraints. I'm excited for this one, probably 2nd most anticipated overall.
Tbh I think part of what makes me so unsure about how this'll be executed is how sparse the description is, we don't really know what kind of prison this is, if its just a repurposed old prison or if its futuristic and high tech, or why exactly it exists or why it has monsters in it. Maybe a repurposed and updated Hellgate, operated as an SCP-like facility run by a future Legendary Truth to contain and study the monsters of Horror Nights?
Heavy doubt on that, since it would be laying the fan service on a little thick, granted it would be kinda funny to see a legendary truth centered house act as the IP replacement 2 years in a row.

I don't think it could be futuristic. Specially since it's replacing the other thing
Not sure what to think about this house. Sounds like a cool idea but with it being a replacement who really knows.
I’m moderately expecting an alien from the Invasion zone just based on the podcast interview, but it could be a different alien design for all we know
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My predictions (wishlist) for characters, zones, and houses we'll see represented:
  • Nightingales
  • Body Collectors
  • Legions of Horror
  • Invasion!
  • Forsaken sailors
  • Yetis
  • Mouthbrooders
  • Vikings
  • Banshees
  • Tooth Fairy
  • zombies (generally)
  • Hive vampires
  • Fallen demons
  • Seek & Destroy minions
Anything else we're guessing? Fun thing about this house is that the two casts could feature entirely different sets of characters and offer a good reason to see it multiple times.
Aliens in a prison? What is that even lol

Wish they would've just done a regular prison. Overrun by deranged psycho killer inmates. Dead guards, Killer inmates. That's what I thought of when I first heard Hellblock Horror. Scary enough and more realistic than a Monsters Inc prison. Although I know that realism is not necessarily better.

And what is this "power core" lore? To be honest and I might get slack for this but it sounds like this was a last minute house (possibly a lost IP?) that they scrambled together to form something cohesive. Just doesn't seem like prison, power core, monsters and aliens go together. Someone correct me if I'm wrong ? I'm not hating on it. Can't form an opinion before I go through. But just curious because HHN house themes are usually much less ambiguous .

Also nothing about the artwork screams alien monster prison to me. Barbed wire doesn't seem very effective for imprisoned aliens !!!
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