There was a very popular house called Scarecrow: The Reaping years back. Now we have Scarecrow: Cursed Soil which will be all of Central Park. In the house, we went through the farmhouse and the house itself. Now, we're going through the fields and all of those scarecrows are coming at us. Now, a lot of times, it's kinda just Central Park, walking through all of the organic vegetation with all of the characters coming out. We've actually built a full barn and are having it right in the middle of the zone. So, even if he came in saying "ehhh I don't really wanna do a house" YOU'RE GONNA DO A HOUSE. We're gonna walk you through the barn. And so on either side it's bookended by all these different scarecrows. Once, you go into the barn, and I'm not gonna give it away, there are different characters that live there that are even more disgusting, nasty and they're doing terrible things to the farm family that lives there and you can join the fun.