Sorry I took forever to reply, but to the person who was wondering about the Krampus card I got, it was a cartoonish drawing of a wide-eyed nutcracker standing next to a severed finger. I'll post a picture later if I can.
I just got back from my third round of HHN. I had an amazing run-through on TCM and Halloween. I actually got a couple of descent scares in AHS as well as Krampus. I saw John Murdy walking to TCM. I looked at him almost wanting to say hi to him, but he looked like he didn't want to be bothered.
For Terror Tram, after two failed attempts, I MANAGED TO GET INTO THE CLOWN'S MOUTH PORTION! YAAAY! I lucked out with the timing of crowd control and got to see the original path from opening weekend all the way through. That made me VERY happy. Didn't really get any scares in there, but I was still happy to finally see it.
Also, my friend visiting from the UK got to see HHN and he really loved it! We went to daytime USH the day before and he got to see Potter and everything else. We did early entry and all of the houses once and left at 10 because of his jet lag and the bad lines. We were hoping to sneak in a ride on FJ when early entry just started, but unfortunately they were checking to see if you had an early entry wristband and shoo'ed off everyone who did. Look Uni, I know you're trying push the day/night combo, but c'mon. That's a crummy thing to do when you still have a half hour time window. Hopefully they'll just leave Potter open for HHN next year so they won't have to do that.