Starting to panic a little bit :afraid:
Quick background- I've wanted to got to Halloween Horror Nights for ages but never had the time/money/people to go with. This year I'm FINALLY going with my friend and my boyfriend- and it'll be the first time for the three of us. Because of scheduling issues, the only night that would work for the three of us is opening night. So far we've purchased our tickets for that one night, as well as express passes. I asked if they wanted to get tickets to be in the park during the day, but overall we all felt it was very expensive and decided against it.
Ideally we really want to go to all 10 houses once. Since we're not really interested in doing a house more than once (unless the lines are ridiculously short for some magical reason), I figured we would just use the express passes instead of using the old "don't use if the wait is 30 minutes or less" rule. But now I'm worried that even with the passes it might be too busy on opening night to see every house (what with the RIP tours / media tours and potential logistics issues mentioned above in other comments).
Thoughts? If we plan this out carefully, can we do all 10 houses in one night with just our express passes, despite not doing S&S? Or do you think being inside the park early is absolutely necessary? (Or worse, do you think that even with S&S it would be impossible to get everything done on opening night?)