Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 158 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Hearing the entrance music for the park and seeing the hulk run just got me super excited for my trip in June!

This may be a silly question but how many test runs does the average coaster have to make before softs/public runs are allowed? I know the ride wont be ready by the time I travel for my trip in 2.5 weeks but am curious about the process.
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the coaster itself wont be the problem.. it varies state to state but in Ohio I know it can take as little as 30 days. Its the themeing and station that could hold it up. We are there in 33 days and I am not holding out hope for softs by then.. just dont see it happening.

Hearing the entrance music for the park and seeing the hulk run just got me super excited for my trip in June!

This may be a silly question but how many test runs does the average coaster have to make before softs/public runs are allowed? I know the ride wont be ready by the time I travel for my trip in 2.5 weeks but am curious about the process.
Well it looks like the insiders were right again on this one. No roar. It will all be done with on board audio. Which I thought the insiders were right because it makes so much more sense. Hotels don't have the noise and the roar can be on the on board audio. Probably the whole reason they are doing on board audio.

Toward the end of the video you get a little roat, but nowhere near as loud as it used to be.
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how much louder was the original roar? what I heard in Mako's video was no different than any other B&M. I heard the roar, the wheel chatter and the brakes.
I'm going to wait until I know there is an early Sunday am test run while enjoying my coffee on the patio to determine how much the roar has changed. The roar during the am on a Sunday when all is quiet is something I've missed. After 16 years living in my house it's been strange not to hear the Hulk running for the past several months.
I'm going to wait until I know there is an early Sunday am test run while enjoying my coffee on the patio to determine how much the roar has changed. The roar during the am on a Sunday when all is quiet is something I've missed. After 16 years living in my house it's been strange not to hear the Hulk running for the past several months.

Out of curiosity, how close do you live?
To be honest it sounds like something is not tight enough with the wheels, there's a bad clanking noise when it accellerates..? Mako doesn't do that, just smooth.

Much tighter turns on Hulk but someone postulated that they might use a different set of wheels for testing than it will run with. Different composition
Out of curiosity, how close do you live?
About a 1 mile and a 1/2 and depending on traffic noise we can hear the parades and concerts, not clear but we can hear the activity at the parks. Sad to say but I used the sound of the hulk to know when a storm would be close enough to pull the kids out of the pool. If the hulk would stop running as the skies would become dark,we knew it was time to get out.