I keep hearing this on my YouTube comments as well, but still not sure where this information is coming from, or how it relates.
It's not like Universal will no longer be able to release a film they made and forever own the distribution rights to just because the book rights revert back to the writer's estate? The film is already made, and they own the film. So, why would they need to close the rides? Will all Jurassic Park 3 arcade games need to be removed from movie theaters across America too? All JP shirts
I'm just not sold on this explanation. In reality, the higher-ups at Universal were asking why their reinvigorated billion dollar dinosaur franchise wasn't yet represented in the parks. And here we are.
Furthermore, I still haven't been able to pin down where the rights reverting back rumor even originated, or if it's a real source or
just a rumor. Seems to just be something discussed on
a JP fan site, and I can't locate a news release or wiki article on it anywhere else.