You know, this is the one thing I've grown to hate about the Internet. We've allowed it to make us so negative. I loved Jurassic World. I left with a big smile on my face and will be buying it on Blu-Ray soon. Others didn't like it as much, or outright hated it. This is the problem that people aren't getting: all of the above are ok. Jymmymack seemed to have certain expectations for the film and an issue with what he feels was hypocrisy in the message of the film versus how it was made. There's nothing wrong with that. Teebin found elements of the climax to be implausible. Nothing wrong with that. The problem arises when people feel the need to tell individuals that don't feel the way that they do that there is something wrong with the way they think. Here's the fact: every one of us went into that movie (and for the record, this isn't about one movie) with different expectations, excitement levels, misgivings, whatever you want to call them. Some of us loved it, some of us hated it, some fall somewhere in the middle. As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but that doesn't mean I feel the need to belittle the opinions of those that didn't, regardless of their reasoning. Something to think about.