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Monsters Inc. Land

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We are NOT doing the "wait times equal popularity" discussion.
Right, because I can’t (or won’t) sit here and outline the metric WDW uses to calculate popularity. And I’m not talking about utilization, or GSM scores, or peak period guests carried… a popularity metric.

Which, btw, Muppets has not really done well in for a long time.

Like I said about TSI, I can relate to people who are disappointed in something getting shut down that they have a connection to, just like the people that time forgot. But anecdotal sample size of single digits doesn’t overrule literally millions of data points about things. I’ve come to realize that “turbocharge the parks business” means do something about the rides that have been on the table for ages.
Right, because I can’t (or won’t) sit here and outline the metric WDW uses to calculate popularity. And I’m not talking about utilization, or GSM scores, or peak period guests carried… a popularity metric.

Which, btw, Muppets has not really done well in for a long time.

Like I said about TSI, I can relate to people who are disappointed in something getting shut down that they have a connection to, just like the people that time forgot. But anecdotal sample size of single digits doesn’t overrule literally millions of data points about things. I’ve come to realize that “turbocharge the parks business” means do something about the rides that have been on the table for ages.
the muppets do not deserve to die a slow and painful death at the hands of Disney.
If this was MK or Epcot, I wouldn't have such an issue with the Muppet situation. The big issue here is that DHS has a severe capacity problem whereby their park wide average stand by actual times are 30% higher (Touring Plans) than the other three parks. DHS is a park that can least afford to shut down fairly popular attractions as they wait three years for replacement. Put a replacement where it does the least harm to overall capacity. Guest satisfaction, who pay the big bucks, should be paramount in decisions affecting their day in the park. When DHS is crowded, the shows and Star Tours are about the only alternative to standing in 1 to 2 hour lines on just about every ride.....And Disney wonders why guests, who stood in those super long lines in 2022 with covid revenge travel and not enough park capacity, aren't coming back. Perhaps their tech geniuses need new metric standards.
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Let’s remember we don’t have any official confirmation yet where this land is going so let’s try to stay levelheaded.

Probably the least levelheaded Muppets supporter at the moment
I want to piggyback off Allison, for a moment here:

This thread has become very negative in the last day or two… and it’s ALL from speculation on what may or may not be replaced by this new addition. Not saying you can’t be upset about Muppets potentially leaving, but there’s a time and a place to express that, and right now is not either.

They’ll announce a location eventually, and we can have that discussion when those details are revealed… but as of this moment, we’re kind of wasting energy chirping back and forth at each other over whether we think that Muppets should go for this project.

There’re a lot of really great discussions that we could be having, right now, about this announcement, what we’d like to see/hope to see in it, but they’re being drowned out by everything else.

Let’s try to keep this focused on Monster’s Inc (and the door coaster many of us only believed we’d see in our dreams) and let the other talk die down until we have more information to discuss.

Thanks, everyone
Can y'all imagine how hard it's going to be to get Harryhausen's reservations?

At least it’ll be thematically accurate.

One of the plugged-in insiders on Magic is now hearing it's Animation Courtyard (after being pretty certain it was Muppets). And Monstropolis might include a new show along with the coaster. Which would be great!

I just want to know, one way or the other, sooner than later.

I'm also starting to wonder if there really has been internal indecision, or if Disney was trying to smoke out leaks.
One of the plugged-in insiders on Magic is now hearing it's Animation Courtyard (after being pretty certain it was Muppets). And Monstropolis might include a new show along with the coaster. Which would be great!

I just want to know, one way or the other, sooner than later.

I'm also starting to wonder if there really has been internal indecision, or if Disney was trying to smoke out leaks.
Some dummy who worked behind launch bay posted this.
Hold the line muppets bros

apparently that guy works behind rnrc, so don’t celebrate yey
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One of the plugged-in insiders on Magic is now hearing it's Animation Courtyard (after being pretty certain it was Muppets). And Monstropolis might include a new show along with the coaster. Which would be great!

I just want to know, one way or the other, sooner than later.

I'm also starting to wonder if there really has been internal indecision, or if Disney was trying to smoke out leaks.
It was Muppets for a long time. Shortly before the expo alternate plans were entertained and specific art was supposedly removed from the presentation that made it obvious the art was for Muppets because there was a chance now that that’s not where it may go.

The backlash to the possibility has been more broad than just hardcore theme park fans, and I’ve heard they’ve received a lot of emails and messages regarding the matter.

And yes, it does seem like perhaps they’re leaning towards Animation Courtyard now.

Some dummy who worked behind launch bay posted this.

Don’t get too excited. That guy moving his office is just one of all people moving offices from around all WDW to a new consolidated location so they’re all working at same location. And may not be related at all, as this has been going on for a year.
It was Muppets for a long time. Shortly before the expo alternate plans were entertained and specific art was supposedly removed from the presentation that made it obvious the art was for Muppets because there was a chance now that that’s not where it may go.

The backlash to the possibility has been more broad than just hardcore theme park fans, and I’ve heard they’ve received a lot of emails and messages regarding the matter.

And yes, it does seem like perhaps they’re leaning towards Animation Courtyard now.

Don’t get too excited. That guy moving his office is just one of all people moving offices from around all WDW to a new consolidated location so they’re all working at same location. And may not be related at all, as this has been going on for a year.
Hopefully the uproar changed minds and spreadsheets. I'm guessing we'll find out for sure in a short amount of time. DHS sure doesn't need to lose any attraction, especially kid oriented, that has decent capacity, at this point in time.
It was Muppets for a long time. Shortly before the expo alternate plans were entertained and specific art was supposedly removed from the presentation that made it obvious the art was for Muppets because there was a chance now that that’s not where it may go.

The backlash to the possibility has been more broad than just hardcore theme park fans, and I’ve heard they’ve received a lot of emails and messages regarding the matter.

And yes, it does seem like perhaps they’re leaning towards Animation Courtyard now.

Don’t get too excited. That guy moving his office is just one of all people moving offices from around all WDW to a new consolidated location so they’re all working at same location. And may not be related at all, as this has been going on for a year.
Man I want off Mr The Frogs wild ride
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It was Muppets for a long time. Shortly before the expo alternate plans were entertained and specific art was supposedly removed from the presentation that made it obvious the art was for Muppets because there was a chance now that that’s not where it may go.

The backlash to the possibility has been more broad than just hardcore theme park fans, and I’ve heard they’ve received a lot of emails and messages regarding the matter.

And yes, it does seem like perhaps they’re leaning towards Animation Courtyard now.

Don’t get too excited. That guy moving his office is just one of all people moving offices from around all WDW to a new consolidated location so they’re all working at same location. And may not be related at all, as this has been going on for a year.
People are speculating over on WDWMagic that even if Monsters finds its way to Animation Courtyard and Muppets lives another day, it will only be a temporary reprieve and Grand Avenue could be the next thing to be axed for expansion at DHS.

The logic behind axing Muppets was that Disney leadership wanted to preserve AC for some larger scale expansion bigger than Monsters down the road. If Monsters takes over AC, perhaps they can put the larger expansion originally slated for AC in the area of Indy, Star Tours, and expand out into the parking lots.
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As a huge Muppets fan who wants to see more of them in the parks, we collectively as a fanbase need to do a better job of accepting the fate of a 30+ year-old 3D film.
Hard disagree. If I’m paying good money, the ticket prices are only going to go higher, and don’t want to see less attractions, I think the backlash is justified.
I think it's worthwhile to point out, we're losing attractions no matter what here. There's no room for proper "expansion" at DHS. It's gonna replace something. We just have a lot less investment in TLM, Disney Junior, and Launch Bay than we do Muppet-Vision. I'm not saying it's wrong to feel that way, but it's good to remind that the park will be losing capacity for a time, no matter what happens. That alone is not an argument in favor of keeping Muppets.

I think this whole thing would sting a lot less if there was another place on property to enjoy this iconic and legacied brand, but there isn't. The characters don't meet anywhere, the Liberty Square show was removed, the Hall of Presidents and America Pavilion get rumors every four years of Muppet Takeover but it never happens. It's unfortunate that to see a Muppet in Central Florida, you have to go to Seaworld Orlando.