Its weird quirky and really funny. Its a game that doesn't take itself serious and can tell its kinda a joke and extremely friendly for all players young and old. A cult favorite. Its hard to create new IPs that are hits are the market is so saturated that it would be safe to just do Mother. I mean look at Nintendo's best selling franchises WW:
1.Mario (100 million + copies)
2. Wii (Wii Sports, Fit etc) (100 Mil+ copies)
3.Zelda (50 Mil +)
4. Brain Age(20 Mil +)
5. Kirby * (20 Mil +)
6. Animal Crossing (20 Mil +)
7. Metroid (10 Mil+)
Add in the fact Pokemon should be number 2, Donkey Kong number 4 if I didn't count him with Mario, and Nintedogs really should be 6 if I thought of practical outside merchandising options. I mean its hard to pin what will be successful with Nintendo as their truly is no trend in popularity. If they have a fan base already screaming they want a game and would throw money at it, may be best just to go for it.