To further what rhio4ever is saying,
We KNOW the SNW land is going to be amazing with at least two ground breaking attractions (E-Tickets), a multi-layer land (unique) with lots of interactive elements. So we are pretty positive based on early mockups there should be NO reason this land shouldn't be a game changer and a huge hit. Well we know NOTHING about the plans for Zelda... What if it's just a stunt show and an interactive walk-through ala Posedions Fury? What if it's just simulator and some flats? We don't know anything at this point, and what if (god forbid) it's not a huge hit/ game changer? People will come and they might be unimpressed or just content with the new land.. Then when they hear SNW is opening they might say... "Oh that's nice, but remember that Zelda land it was only so-so no need to go back right now" where as if they go to SNW first they will be like... "OH MY GOD!!! SNW WAS AMAZING!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT THEY DO WITH ZELDA... AND VISIT SNW AGAIN!!!!"
just playing devil's advocate.