Once again, instead of grasping the full message, most of you are just focusing on tidbits. I believe the creator of this thread doesn't have a problem with IP's. Neither do I. Where my concern lies is how nearly everything besides the houses has decreased in creativity, grandeur, and an overarching theme. In reality this year we only have two and a half scare zones. One with a UFO and a truck (Great for a zone that is 30 feet long), Trick 'r Treat, and the other one with recycled Purge props from years past. You all can say that I'm being ridiculous but you can't deny that the HHN website is wack, the "theme" or lack there of is non existent, food items have decreased, etc.
I miss the days when a HHN commercial would come on at 1am and I had to change the channel if not I'd have trouble sleeping.
I highlighted the key point of your post, not because it's a "tidbit," but because it encapsulates your entire argument succinctly.
Here's the refutation: The event still requires just as much creativity, effort, and scale as previous years. You just don't like the product as it is. My point remains that product changed because everything changes. It's not a decrease in quality or effort. It's not lesser. If it was lesser, it wouldn't continue to be successful. It's shifted. That's all.
Are you going to say Academy of Villains (like them or not) is at fault for a "lesser" product because a storm damaged their stage, or are you going to recognize that they had to prioritize, adjust, and adapt based on what they had available to them? It's not as grand. It's shorter. The whole "Afterlife" theme had to disappear.
Just as much effort was put into Festival of the Deadliest as Invasion. It has large set-pieces, effects, original costumes, etc. You dismiss it as not even a zone though because you don't like it. And if your argument is that you went too early in the run to see the center float set-piece, it's been established that Irma effected that entire zone.
Objectively, the argument that the event has "decreased in quality" or is "less creative" or "worst" is flat incorrect. The event remains insanely profitable and successful. There are more options for what to do at the event. Guest satisfaction remains high. Those are all key data points that refute the idea that it has gone backwards. Backstage management, conflicts, and issues aside, the event from a product perspective is better than ever.
Subjectively, you don't like the product because it's different from what you want.