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Pandora: The World of Avatar Announcement, Construction, & Preview Discussion

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Reality set in. Thank you for posting the comparison.
That new concept looks like a section of my woods where the trees are tangled with wild grape fines. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but that looks ugly to me.I'm still looking forward to Avatar opening, but not a fan of that tangled mess.
wtf is that concept picture too, how did it go from this?

to tarzan's treehouse after a devastating hurricane


I think we all knew the initial concept art was a little too ambitious, but this is sorta disappointing.

The video had some cool elements. I have low expectations so in the end, I'm sure it'll be an enjoyable expansion. Just a terrible property, IMO.
wtf is that concept picture too, how did it go from this?

to tarzan's treehouse after a devastating hurricane


Did you really expect them to have mountains floating in mid-air? I mean come on man lol...I hate it just as much as the next guy when concept art is exaggerated (which it almost always is) but that first picture was obviously never meant to be a serious representation of what the place would actually look like, considering it defies the laws of phsyics.
Also, I don't see any reason to be pessimistic about how it'll turn out in person. The ride? Yes. But new Fantasyland and Cars Land prove that as much as Disney may be dropping the ball on actual rides lately, they do the themeing of the surrounding areas right. And I'm not even excited for this project, to be honest. I hate Avatar and don't think it fits at Animal Kingdom. But I still think some of the criticisms here are kinda unfair.
I'm not sure why everyone keeps bagging about the source material. Cars was one of Pixar's weakest films, but the land at DCA is so good that it helped make me appreciate the first film. And you couldn't pay me to sit through another Transformers movie, but it's not like I ignore or dismiss the ride because the movies weren't up to snuff. As long as the attraction is properly executed, your feelings on the movie really shouldn't matter.
Oh I knew there would be no way to make floating mountains, that just looks absolutely nothing like pandora whatsoever. What even is that like seriously? It's not even remotely attractive either!!!! You can't put THAT on advertisements, it's hideous and embarassing. As mike said reality did just hit in and that's just sad. I was seriously expecting better than diagon level theming here but after seeing this.....let's hope the rides are nice!!!
Did you really expect them to have mountains floating in mid-air? I mean come on man lol...I hate it just as much as the next guy when concept art is exaggerated (which it almost always is) but that first picture was obviously never meant to be a serious representation of what the place would actually look like, considering it defies the laws of phsyics.

honestly, i think this new mockup looks unrealistic too....how is that middle section holding up? I think the old one looks more realistic than this one.
Oh I knew there would be no way to make floating mountains, that just looks absolutely nothing like pandora whatsoever. What even is that like seriously? It's not even remotely attractive either!!!! You can't put THAT on advertisements, it's hideous and embarassing. As mike said reality did just hit in and that's just sad. I was seriously expecting better than diagon level theming here but after seeing this.....let's hope the rides are nice!!!

To be fair, I dont remember what Pandora looks like so you got me there :lol:
Oh I knew there would be no way to make floating mountains, that just looks absolutely nothing like pandora whatsoever. What even is that like seriously? It's not even remotely attractive either!!!! You can't put THAT on advertisements, it's hideous and embarassing. As mike said reality did just hit in and that's just sad. I was seriously expecting better than diagon level theming here but after seeing this.....let's hope the rides are nice!!!

I actually think this looks more like the movie than other plans that they have shown, but we still have very little for this land..i get it theme park boards like to give opinions on stuff we don't know yet
I actually think this looks more like the movie than other plans that they have shown, but we still have very little for this land..i get it theme park boards like to give opinions on stuff we don't know yet

Well we now have a model of a flying pile of junk and that's what I'm giving my opinion on
It does appear as if the Imagineers are using shorter trees and reducing the heavy look of the Pandora forest to help with:

A) Make the mountains appear more grand and larger.
B) Open air. A legit jungle like Pandora could be a little suffocating for guests.

It does seem that the heavy use of CGI and bombastic visuals may be a bit of a problem to translate into a theme park land with 100% accuracy. Having said that, it is just one angle of concept art and some of you are being a little too critical of it.
Well there are definitely ways to pull off the floating mountains. Have one big mountain then connect smaller ones with steel rods hidden by vines. Or you could do what they're doing in this model by making a bridge like structure but make it look like pandora. It's doable
I'll give Imagioneers credit (Though I think Creative would've been more, well Creative), this works. This actually works for the average theme park goer. I liked the movie Avatar very much so this works for me. As long s the quality and perspective while I ( a human) on the ground isn't bothered, this works.
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