Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon | Page 161 | Inside Universal Forums

Race Through NY Starring Jimmy Fallon

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After Trump's first 100 days, the political fervor might die down a bit and Fallon may overtake Colbert
In a regular presidency it would. Trump is a classic narcissist, the presidency will always be a reality show for him.

Worst case, I'd imagine that Universal has some plans to add a small SNL presence to the ride for the sake of marketing. SNL is doing crazy bonkers good right now.
SNL is only doing bonkers because of politics though (and mostly Alec Baldwin/Melissa McCarthy).
After Trump's first 100 days, the political fervor might die down a bit and Fallon may overtake Colbert.

Worst case, I'd imagine that Universal has some plans to add a small SNL presence to the ride for the sake of marketing. SNL is doing crazy bonkers good right now.
I really don't think it will last 100 days. The general public has a very short attention span, it's going to get old real quick. Political satire will always have it's place but an established show like the Tonight Show simply doesn't need it as bad as the other shows riding the ratings bump while they can.
I really don't think it will last 100 days. The general public has a very short attention span, it's going to get old real quick. Political satire will always have it's place but an established show like the Tonight Show simply doesn't need it as bad as the other shows riding the ratings bump while they can.

I'm torn. There's a reason why Jon Stewart was actually considered a trusted news source for years. People my age went to him nightly for their news compared to CNN/others. There's been arguments (of course) that the absence of his voice led to the void that allowed Trump to gain footing. However, I do know that the general public is far more reaching than left leaning 20 something's. Demo wise though, that's the advertising sweet spot.

All of that considered, if all of these leaks continue in such a heavy stream, they will definitely have plenty of material throughout the duration of Trumps presidency.
Unless Twitter goes bankrupt there will be plenty of comedy satire material for a long time. That guy is addicted to Twitter like a junkie addicted to heroin. It ain't gonna stop. :)

With everything going on, I have to wonder how Disney will handle Trump in HoP. They can't be pleased with how this is playing out from an optics POV.
from what im hearing they will add trump but hes either gonna be kinda hidden or 6 months after adding him they will announce hop closing for a more permanent muppets attraction
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With everything going on, I have to wonder how Disney will handle Trump in HoP. They can't be pleased with how this is playing out from an optics POV.
Tough situation for Disney. It's a no win situation for sure.....Maybe only open it for Peak attendance days, putting it in the same category as Stitch.

With everything going on, I have to wonder how Disney will handle Trump in HoP. They can't be pleased with how this is playing out from an optics POV.
Not to get off topic, but if they're smart they'll retool the show to be "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (and a bunch of other presidents just sitting there in the background)"

Back ON topic, I assume those construction wall that went up are something for the virtual queue going in (return ticket machines?) for those who can't access the app for some reason?
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Not to get off topic, but if they're smart they'll retool the show to be "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (and a bunch of other presidents just sitting there in the background)"

Back ON topic, I assume those construction wall that went up are something for the virtual queue going in (return ticket machines?) for those who can't access the app for some reason?
I'd assume so as well. @Teebin said there is a bunch of queue back there as well.
Here's hoping everyone coming from NY enjoys the ride tomorrow. And the chocolate too.


I eagerly await someone telling the Bloggers to come march down to USF to be apart of the [HASHTAG]#FallonWatch[/HASHTAG].
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They must have had some sort of "higher up"'s preview last night, as from the lack of talk on twitter/facebook i doubt attractions have been yet. (probably tomorrow as mentioned).
First review ive heard, its better than twister but its a "not so grown up" minions :(
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They must have had some sort of "higher up"'s preview last night, as from the lack of talk on twitter/facebook i doubt attractions have been yet. (probably tomorrow as mentioned).
First review ive heard, its better than twister but its a "not so grown up" minions :(
NO!!!! :bang: Why universal.
I feel like universal has perfected the good fascade but not so good ride technique. They have to start making rides that have amazing fascade like they do recently, but a just as amazing ride. Mummy is a perfect example of what universal should go back to doing and improving the que.
I feel like universal has perfected the good fascade but not so good ride technique. They have to start making rides that have amazing fascade like they do recently, but a just as amazing ride. Mummy is a perfect example of what universal should go back to doing and improving the que.

Oh, you mean rides like Spiderman and Transformers? Forbidden Journey and Gringott's? Those are definitely lackluster rides with lacking technique. Come on Universal. :bonk: