You guys give me quite a few lulz when it comes to this ride... just sayin...
So having ridden Mummy in Orlando 100+ times since 2005 (woo a full year after it opened).. over the past 10 years, the ride is permanently in my brain. I was excited to finally ride this version out here. While I knew it was different & have seen pics/videos, I was not prepared for just how different it really is. Even though I've ridden it about 10+ times now, I am STILL not used to the how different it is compared to Orlando.... which is not a bad thing at all. I'm used to being able to quote the ride, so its weird hearing different dialogue haha
Could there be some technical upgrades to the ride? sure.. but this is still a fun dark ride/coaster regardless. Nothing needs to be drastically changed, altered or whatever when it comes to the experience... except for the ending. While I obviously never experienced the original eclipse ending, I even found the current ending to be underwhelmingly lackluster.
For the record, regarding Orlando's "making a new mummy movie theme".... yea that aspect actually does not really apply to the ride itself. Its mainly just the first part of the queue line... Once you enter the tomb-esque part of the queue, the "making a new movie" aspect gets thrown out of the window. Except for the poor assistant dude who ends up Imhotep's victim warning you about the curse being real... but even then, he could just be considered a previous tourist who wandered into the tomb. Then the Brendan Fraser video at the end of the ride welcoming you back is... well, its just there for a laugh.
When I rode Mummy last month I got an amusing experience. The car pulled into the warrior mummy corridor, Imhotep is threatening our souls... well the warrior mummies dropped down, but our ride vehicle stayed put. We seriously sat there while the scene reset & heard the entire soundtrack for the first coaster section. Once the music was over, that's when we finally launched, resulting in a silent coaster ride to the scarab scene haha.
One thing that I don't like about Mummy here though, is the fact that I can't really ride it 3-4 times in a row via single-riders like Orlando because the line takes forever... So I usually only get one ride in while there because of the waittime. <_< Speaking of waiting, I wish they'd make the queue a tad more scenic & add more fans to deal with the heat.