(Rumor) New Potter Attraction to Replace Fear Factor Live? | Page 44 | Inside Universal Forums

(Rumor) New Potter Attraction to Replace Fear Factor Live?

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MOM is in London, not Diagon Alley. No need to be connected and it really wouldn't make any sense to do so. It's a part of London, which is outside of Diagon Alley.
Sorry. Wasn't implying that MOM would be "in" DA. Simply that you could connect through to MOM. Quantum leap, the connection could be themed as if you were exiting back into regular ol London, with an additional entrance on the lagoon side as Alicia suggested.:bow:
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Removing that backstage walkway isn’t possible if you want Diagon Alley to keep its live entertainment. There’s no other access point (nor room for a new one) with the way the land is laid out.

Better to theme the gate itself and then pick up the facades on the other side.
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By front and center you mean tucked away in the very back corner of the park? :)

Anchors that back corner, 2 minute walk in either direction to see something else. As opposed to, say, an exhibit about the wonders of Velcro tucked away in CommuniCore or the Mr. DNA show in Discovery Center. FFL sits there like it should be an E-ticket.
I'm 99% sure Ministry will be not accessible from Diagon Alley. Let alone the capacity issues of adding another ride to the land, there is no precedent for access of the Ministry through Diagon. JKR would push for another entrance just like they did for Hogwarts Express.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the reason it hasn’t started after all these years is because JKR insists that guests enter through a toilet.
Wouldn’t surprise me if the reason it hasn’t started after all these years is because JKR insists that guests enter through a toilet.
It'd be hilarious if they turned the old Amity bathrooms into 2 giant elevators (Women/Men) that go down one floor and unload in a massive themed underground corridor leading to the lobby of the MoM.
It'd be hilarious if they turned the old Amity bathrooms into 2 giant elevators (Women/Men) that go down one floor and unload in a massive themed underground corridor leading to the lobby of the MoM.
Are you typing this as you sit at the bar in Finnegan's drinking a number of Guinness pints? :lol:;)
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So JK who is a huge stickler for thematic accuracy is just going to say hey, the dragon isn’t real so join Diagon and MoM!
I think some folks are blowing this whole "Rowling would never sign off on the Ministry being accessed through Diagon Alley because it's not that way in the story!" thing just a little out of proportion.

Sure, she may well be that kind of a stickler. However, practical compromises are always going to be required in the translation from page/screen to a real world environment. Hogsmeade isn't 100 yards from the entrance to Hogwarts in the source material, either, nor does the Hogwarts Express platform dump the students into the streets of Hogsmeade.

If Universal feels they can make a compelling logistical case for why the Ministry should be seen as part the overall Diagon Alley area, I think Rowling would listen to that. Personally, I'm expecting the Ministry (if it's built) will be accessible both from inside Diagon Alley and from another pathway outside of it. I think that makes the most sense from a guest flow perspective.
If Universal feels they can make a compelling logistical case for why the Ministry should be seen as part the overall Diagon Alley area, I think Rowling would listen to that. Personally, I'm expecting the Ministry (if it's built) will be accessible both from inside Diagon Alley and from another pathway outside of it. I think that makes the most sense from a guest flow perspective.

Logistics is exactly why I don't think it *will* be accessible from Diagon.

1) Backstage access road. Yes, they could make some sort of bridge over it to allow access from Diagon, but that makes little sense
2) Crowd dispersal. Why make far and away your most popular land even more crowded when you don't have to?
It seems to me much of the arguments for/against direct access to/from DA would also apply equally to Hogwarts Express. More importantly I think logistically it makes sense to spread things out a bit rather than dumping people from MoM into DA.

Now from a creative perspective it seems to me they were very intentional to angle London in a way away from FFL. I assume this was to create more transition between the London facades and a large stadium. I think the same could apply if they ever build MoM. You wouldn't want the building right next to MIB. Personally I would think it would be better to angle the building toward the access road and create another facade across from it where the trees are that block the backside of DA. Kind of create an alley type thing. Then move the access road to the other side between MoM and MIB to give it further separation.
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1) Backstage access road. Yes, they could make some sort of bridge over it to allow access from Diagon, but that makes little sense
2) Crowd dispersal. Why make far and away your most popular land even more crowded when you don't have to?

1 is something I wasn't aware cut through the plots in question back there. So fair enough.
Logistics is exactly why I don't think it *will* be accessible from Diagon.

1) Backstage access road. Yes, they could make some sort of bridge over it to allow access from Diagon, but that makes little sense
2) Crowd dispersal. Why make far and away your most popular land even more crowded when you don't have to?

3) There's no good reason... Thematically, logistically, or otherwise to do it.