Is it feige's fault fully? Yeah, he's the one who has the plans for these phases, but also like, I feel he has A LOT to juggle between movies and shows that he can't possibly oversee everything anymore. He's in more of a delegation role than ever which takes him away from being as hands on as he used to be.
I mean, he approved having all these things happening at once with ZERO plan
Thats the clear part, look at Phase one which is simple but is setting up the fight with Loki
Phase 2 is about challenging the hero's and making them all change in their own way leading to Phase 3
Phase 3 is about how the Hero's past is affecting them leading leading to civil war and then Thanos wins because of this
Phase 4 is......setting up more TV shows and sequels
Phase 5 is the same
There is no clear goals for any of the hero teams now and most hero's are just doing their own thing.
The only kinda story line we have is from earth where people are trying to come to terms with the Blimp but that's it and it's an Idea I think could have been part of Phase 4 if they had themes tie together but....really nothing felt like it really tied the themes together and feels like how after the battle of NY and they keep bringing it back but that was in the background not the main focus.
It's also harder now with all these hero's on why they won't help each other, like Moon Knight is on his own because no one knows him cool but Sam got help from Wakanda but then didn't want to lead a team to help them back in BP2? I know it's a budget thing but then maybeee you don't waste time introducing Ironheart and have Buckey and Sam come help out because they are friends/owe Wakanda.
But The new Phases are all about set up, Here is the Kingpin he sucks now but don't worry he will be back in X shows, here is DD he will back in this show, here is Ironheart she will be in her own show......
It's just all set up with ZERO pay off and Antman 3 in a way was suppose feel major and felt guessed it more set up, lol