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Six Flags Magic Mountain

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I kind of still feel you're splitting hairs, but to your credit, I think what makes the promise of "Epic Thrills Coming" not just be an event is both the odd mechanical bird logo (which seemingly does not tie into any known event), and the color scheme, which again does not match any known event.

Now, is it guaranteed to be a roller coaster? No. But this is a park whose main distinctive feature is their coasters, and the space they've cleared is enormous (as it also *seems* to include where monorail track was cleared all they way by Swashbuckler).

While I certainly may end up surprised, I can't think of a single event or flat ride or building that would require that much space. As they say, where there's smoke, there's likely a fire. What isn't known is the type, style, or maker. There is a surprising (and curious) absence of leaks and substantial rumors. A few things popped up ages ago (I seem to recall hypercoaster and motocycle coaster being the two leading ones), but nothing has been followed up on that I know of.

Still, to me, it seems pretty certain it will be a coaster of some kind. You're free to disagree, because, to your point, no one really knows for sure.
Thank you. We can agree to disagree. Because it is all unknown at this time.
I'm excited to see people's thoughts on this....for me this is about what I expected. Hearing Superman should be coming out this weekend

I watched the FunnelcakeBlog's opening weekend video for it. I was so tensed up from cringing so hard o_O I don't know what exactly I was expecting, but it looked disappointing

My biggest nitpick with the "stunt show" (term very loosely applied) was the severe lack of "punch" sound effects. It's bad enough to be pre-recorded dialogue audio, but the lack of basic fight sound effects, it felt soulless & forgettable.

As for Harley's "Femme Fatales" dance show, it was on the weaker side. I've seen them do better. HOWEVER, the fact they used BlackPink's "Pink Venom" song for it made me want to whip out the BlackPink lightstick & fanboy in tiny :lol: (BlackPink = kpop girl group)

At least they added Batgirl & Harley Quinn to the character photo-ops, but they dropped the ball not having at least Riddler. Supergirl's wig is terrible, so is Joker's.. *sigh*

It doesn't seem worth the trek up to SFMM for this event unfortunately. I feel like they did better with Scream Break than they did with DC Heroes/Villains Fest.
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You’re braver than I am. I wouldn’t go anywhere near that park in this blazing heat. Last time I did that was during the Wonder Woman previews. Never. Again.
Yeah my friends and I agreed to tomorrow for about two months already since it was the only time we were all free. Completely disregarded the potential heat for tomorrow. Hoping they have those mist fans on at least.
So I went yesterday mainly for the DC event

For a Free event the positives are that not many people know its happening it seems so all the lines to meet heroes are short.
Batman and Joker had the longest lines and even these were under 10 mins

Superman was not there week one but was at the event next to supergirl week 2.

I think the character actors were doing the best with what they were given, the ending show had the biggest crowd and its cheesy but I also assume these are not stunt actors which is why the fights aren't at the level of say even Water World because I think they just hired character actors and have them fight doing stunts and stunts even at a beginner level can get you injured, so think thats why the show is the way it is

There are a ton of other photo ops like Clayface, Blue Beetle, Poison Ivy these are all 2D cut outs but to me its better then not having them at all.

I think if your an AP and like DC its a good way to end the day, kids and adults seemed to be having fun with both the heros and villains.

A Few things they can improve right now would include more signs and a schedule. Have signs up in the land saying Meet Superman at X time so people know to come back for that and have a sign and on the app the schedule of the shows

For events going forward I think Riddler and Lex Luther would be wins, The Penguin henchmen seemed to be a big hit but don't think many cared for the catwoman hence men or the poison Ivy ones at least from what I could see so get Lex and Riddle instead of these hencemen next time is my vote along with more ways to tell people where things are happening and when
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I think the character actors were doing the best with what they were given, the ending show had the biggest crowd and its cheesy but I also assume these are not stunt actors which is why the fights aren't at the level of say even Water World because I think they just hired character actors and have them fight doing stunts and stunts even at a beginner level can get you injured, so think thats why the show is the way it is

Based on what I saw, I feel this is spot on. But I do have to give those actors credit for trying their best. I thought the show was cheesy, but I also got the sense it's largely intentional... so it (mostly) somehow works.

A Few things they can improve right now would include more signs and a schedule. Have signs up in the land saying Meet Superman at X time so people know to come back for that and have a sign and on the app the schedule of the shows
Also totally agree. Especially since the event is not all that long (just 4 hours), it would be nice if there were at least one character out for a meet and greet at all times. Because we were there from about to 7:45 - 8:15, and while we did catch a mini show, we really didn't get to see any walk around characters. Well, one was leaving as we arrived. So yeah, a posted schedule of some kind would be good.

It's also weird that they hardly even promote what's there... like, the app or site doesn't even mention what the specialty food items are, and sure enough, hardly anyone was even getting food.

On a different note, this past weekend was an ACE (American Coaster Enthusiasts) event, and management did a Q&A. While I wasn't there, a friend of mine was, and he reported this:
  • As of last August, they hired a new head of maintenance, and their goal is to have all coasters running two trains at 100% in the next two years... even though they admit X2 and Superman are difficult to keep running, but they're going to try their best.
  • New park president is focused on beautifying and greenery (which I don't think is a bad idea). Honestly, I've already noticed a difference, particularly in the greenery and floral.
  • Sky Tower's bid is being finalized, and they hope to have it back up by 2026 fully renovated, with a possible VIP lounge at the top for passholders.
  • They didn't want to say much about the new ride at Golden Bear, but they did seem to imply heavily it is NOT going to be coaster, but more of a high thrill flat ride
  • Once the solar lot is finished, they plan on adding over 100 EV charging stations.
Went yesterday - going on 90* + days might be the new move. Absolutely dead park and everything was a walk on.

Positives :

- Twisted Colossus crew was so passionate for their work. You can clearly see how they’re trying to benefit with having 3 trains at all times, even while only running 2.
- Crazanity cycles were long. Genuinely surprised how long the rides lasted every time, props to the crew.
- Employees looked genuine and in good spirits. Made a huge difference.

The Weird:

- I haven’t been to this park post COVID. The atmosphere has totally been snatched... and I’m not sure if it’s because it was less packed, but the fact it felt dead made the park feel so charmless, even more so than its worse days. It was really sad.
- Wonder Woman. Your new ride running one train, and it was my first time, but does anyone else’s shoulders pop out the vest?! My whole party said the same thing and it freaked me the hell out! I thought I was going to die which was insane.
- X2 is in the worst shape of its life. Terribly terribly rough.

West Coast Racers was also fun. Really good ride that could have had Maverick style potential if the park had thought it out a little more.

Anyways that’s it.
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Based on what I saw, I feel this is spot on. But I do have to give those actors credit for trying their best. I thought the show was cheesy, but I also got the sense it's largely intentional... so it (mostly) somehow works.

Also totally agree. Especially since the event is not all that long (just 4 hours), it would be nice if there were at least one character out for a meet and greet at all times. Because we were there from about to 7:45 - 8:15, and while we did catch a mini show, we really didn't get to see any walk around characters. Well, one was leaving as we arrived. So yeah, a posted schedule of some kind would be good.

It's also weird that they hardly even promote what's there... like, the app or site doesn't even mention what the specialty food items are, and sure enough, hardly anyone was even getting food.

On a different note, this past weekend was an ACE (American Coaster Enthusiasts) event, and management did a Q&A. While I wasn't there, a friend of mine was, and he reported this:
  • As of last August, they hired a new head of maintenance, and their goal is to have all coasters running two trains at 100% in the next two years... even though they admit X2 and Superman are difficult to keep running, but they're going to try their best.
  • New park president is focused on beautifying and greenery (which I don't think is a bad idea). Honestly, I've already noticed a difference, particularly in the greenery and floral.
  • Sky Tower's bid is being finalized, and they hope to have it back up by 2026 fully renovated, with a possible VIP lounge at the top for passholders.
  • They didn't want to say much about the new ride at Golden Bear, but they did seem to imply heavily it is NOT going to be coaster, but more of a high thrill flat ride
  • Once the solar lot is finished, they plan on adding over 100 EV charging stations.
that does not seem to fit with them doing all of that land clearing outside of that plot of land where the theater was (ie tree removal etc) (nor does the length of the constriction wall fit with it being a flat ride
that does not seem to fit with them doing all of that land clearing outside of that plot of land where the theater was (ie tree removal etc) (nor does the length of the constriction wall fit with it being a flat ride
I think this project got totally reworked, but I’ve only deduced this from rumblings here and there.
Based on what I saw, I feel this is spot on. But I do have to give those actors credit for trying their best. I thought the show was cheesy, but I also got the sense it's largely intentional... so it (mostly) somehow works.

Also totally agree. Especially since the event is not all that long (just 4 hours), it would be nice if there were at least one character out for a meet and greet at all times. Because we were there from about to 7:45 - 8:15, and while we did catch a mini show, we really didn't get to see any walk around characters. Well, one was leaving as we arrived. So yeah, a posted schedule of some kind would be good.

It's also weird that they hardly even promote what's there... like, the app or site doesn't even mention what the specialty food items are, and sure enough, hardly anyone was even getting food.
Yeah the actors for sure were doing the best. I saw many just having fun with guests and people who were there enjoyed it but bet 50% of them were there because 5 Fives covered it, lol

I also agree the app needed to have the drinks and food there and one character always out would have been very nice. I was there for like 2.5 hours and a few times it was a dead zone

Also Justice League was closed, lol to me because I wanted to go on a ride with AC but no no no can't have that opened during an....DC event
Also answered: because it was asked like 50 times lol.

Yes, there are plans to add new lockers to a few major rides (my guess is WW and TC), and they are looking into ways for TC to duel “more often”.
Hopefully not mandatory lockers like what Universal Orlando does. I mean USH can get away with that being it's the only major thrill coaster that park will have, but having to do that for every singe ride at SFMM would get quite frustrating.
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In potentially massive news; SFMM spoke at a ACE event on the subject of Sky Tower's future--bringing up a 2026 window for a renovated Sky Tower experience.

Bid is apparently being finalized now, and there is a small bit of toying that they might rope AP lounge into this.
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