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Six Flags Magic Mountain

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Terrible collection of overall rides... not terrible collection of coasters. Hence why I said "outside of the coasters". Because outside of the coasters, the park has like 5-6 non-coasters (Bugs Bunny World does not factor into this due to it being for small children).

And I love how you guys are so invested being up Cedar Point's butt or other parks comparing them, when I just gave you new ride merch & Fright Fest pics.
And I love how you guys are so invested being up Cedar Point's butt or other parks comparing them, when I just gave you new ride merch & Fright Fest pics.

Oh great, magnificent and wise Wesker, how could I have LIVED or survived without the updates thou provides me? My family and I had been on our knees, fasting, BEGGING to know which pile of dirt had been moved where. ALL HAIL WESKER.

Dude get over yourself.
SFMM has the world’s greatest amount of coasters, so the fact that a few of them turn out great is almost a default move. The sad fact is that most of them are just wholly mediocre, or just not what I personally look for in a coaster. X2 for example. I think Tatsu, Ninja and TC are the only legit great coasters at SFMM. Full Throttle is close but that break on the end of the top hat kills it. Maybe coaster 20 will help, but it’s certainly no Cedar Point.

Valleyfair, though, yes that’s a mediocre helping but no way does that mean SFMM has a great collection.

X2 is my favorite coaster in the park. It's like nothing I've ever experienced in a coaster. The GP also loves X2.

But you can't argue with a Cedar Point fanboy who thinks their coaster collection is the greatest, even if they have LOTS of mediocre coasters. Most of their flat rides are pretty lame too, only a couple good ones.

Basically, if you do a coaster-to-coaster comparison of similar rides, SFMM comes out ahead. I'll grant you that Cedar Point is a better managed park thanks to Cedar Fair.
Terrible collection of overall rides... not terrible collection of coasters. Hence why I said "outside of the coasters". Because outside of the coasters, the park has like 5-6 non-coasters (Bugs Bunny World does not factor into this due to it being for small children).

And I love how you guys are so invested being up Cedar Point's butt or other parks comparing them, when I just gave you new ride merch & Fright Fest pics.

And you mocked about half the merch you posted pics of. We're supposed to be grateful for that? ( Gross Prison orange, Crappy shirt I can get that made at mall?) :lol:

I did say I agreed with you about the lack of flat rides, which seems to be what you're saying. That wasn't really clear in your original post.

Let's all (including myself) face one thing... what's a "great", "good", "mediocre" and "terrible" coaster/ride is a totally subjective thing. And rides/coasters are also built for different audiences. When I was 10, Goldrusher was the greatest ride ever. I still enjoy it now as an adult, but I'd currently put it in the "good" category. Still has a place in the park, because there are people who enjoy a milder thrill and is ridable for a wide age range, even if a seasoned thrill seeker finds it "mediocre". TC, as fun as it is, is not a family coaster by any means. Thrill seekers may find it great, but there's also a whole lot of people who don't want to ride it at all--it's too intense for them.

I actually feel Lex Luther: Drop of Doom suffers from this as well... there are just too many people who flat out refuse to ride it. I seem to recall that was part of the reason SFMM introduced the VR to it... to make it more attractive to the average park guest, which may have been a coded way of saying, "less intimidating". Based on the anecdotal evidence I've heard, it seems to have worked... ridership is up as I understand it. A lot of thrill seekers thought this was a terrible idea (I thought so myself at first), but it has opened up the ride to a lot more people now, so they may have been crazy like a fox. Point is, what's "terrible" to one person may be great for another.

As a thrill seeker, I enjoy sustained speed over airtime... so I love Millenium Force. A thrill seeker who prefers intense air time is going to think MF is a waste, and from that point of view, I can understand that. I wouldn't agree, but I'd get it. But if anyone (and no one has, I'm just making an example here) said, "MF is terrible, as per usual from Cedar Point" and that's it, it comes across not very well thought out or argued at best, a bit spiteful and arrogant at worst.

We are all free to have our opinions. Where I have issue is anyone that makes sweeping, overly general statements without any support. I don't have to agree with your opinion, and you don't have to agree with mine, but I'd at least like to understand where we all come from.
I think SFMM's biggest problem is the fact that is always going to be compared to Cedar Point. Yes, CP is an amazing park, but I don't believe it should be the gold standard, especially when half the people who've been to SFMM have probably never even been to none the less heard of Cedar Point. For being in SoCal, SFMM is the SPOT for your coaster fix. Not Knott's, not Disney, Magic friggin' Mountain. I love it for what it's worth, and I'm happy we have rides like X2, Twisted Colossus, hell even Justice League that make SFMM stand apart, even if it isn't a great coaster collection. Could it be better? Of course, but beggars can't be choosers. I've said it before, the park has a long ways to go to be perfect, as much as it sucks to say since I love it, however it shouldn't diminish its value.
Bottom line...SFMM has badass coasters.

I mean you can criticize the park for other stuff, but coasters is the one area where the park is strong.

There's a fellow from England who is a coaster and park enthusiast who travels the world going to amusement/theme parks and has a channel on Youtube called Themeparkworldwide.

He had pretty high praise for the park/coasters when he visited a few years ago. Again, he has been to all the major parks in Europe & America.
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Bottom line...SFMM has badass coasters.

I mean you can criticize the park for other stuff, but coasters is the one area where the park is strong.

There's a fellow from England who is a coaster and park enthusiast who travels the world going to amusement/theme parks and has a channel on Youtube called Themeparkworldwide.

He had pretty high praise for the park/coasters when he visited a few years ago. Again, he has been to all the major parks in Europe & America.

It's funny you say that, because after my recent trip to SFNE, I now realized that I have been to all major amusement parks in the US (defining "major" as having 8 or more coasters, as well as all Disney/WDW, USO/IOA parks).

Even if you go down to 7 coasters, I'm only missing three parks in the US: Dorney Park, Morey's Piers, and Wild Adventures.

I've been to all Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks in the US, except Dorney and Great Escape (but that only has 6 coasters anyway--I'm also not counting water parks).
It's funny you say that, because after my recent trip to SFNE, I now realized that I have been to all major amusement parks in the US (defining "major" as having 8 or more coasters, as well as all Disney/WDW, USO/IOA parks).

Even if you go down to 7 coasters, I'm only missing three parks in the US: Dorney Park, Morey's Piers, and Wild Adventures.

I've been to all Six Flags and Cedar Fair parks in the US, except Dorney and Great Escape (but that only has 6 coasters anyway--I'm also not counting water parks).
How was Fiesta Texas
Everyone's experience is subjective. When I grew up as a preteen/teenager, that was one of the times I got to go to a theme park with just my friends and without my parents. I got to interact/discuss with my friends/schoolmates immediately about my experiences at a theme park.

Funny thing is what my 9-year old son recently said to me. He said that he enjoyed going to theme parks more with his friends (during summer camp trips) than with us as a family. Sadly, I'm starting to realize that he doesn't feel it's "cool" to hang out with his dad or his family. I can certainly relate, though, as I wanted to be independent from my parents at his age.

That said, I remember when I was his age that Revolution, Viper, Condor, Colossus, Jet Stream, Log Jammer, etc. were some of my favorite rides. Of course, time and technology have changed, but you can't change the nostalgic effect.

Let's try to respect everyone's opinion of their favorite park and their reasoning behind it. Everyone comes from a different place.
Everyone's experience is subjective. When I grew up as a preteen/teenager, that was one of the times I got to go to a theme park with just my friends and without my parents. I got to interact/discuss with my friends/schoolmates immediately about my experiences at a theme park.

Funny thing is what my 9-year old son recently said to me. He said that he enjoyed going to theme parks more with his friends (during summer camp trips) than with us as a family. Sadly, I'm starting to realize that he doesn't feel it's "cool" to hang out with his dad or his family. I can certainly relate, though, as I wanted to be independent from my parents at his age.

That said, I remember when I was his age that Revolution, Viper, Condor, Colossus, Jet Stream, Log Jammer, etc. were some of my favorite rides. Of course, time and technology have changed, but you can't change the nostalgic effect.

Let's try to respect everyone's opinion of their favorite park and their reasoning behind it. Everyone comes from a different place.

F''''n Ey! Well said, dude.
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Wow... look at all the posts from the children that get so defensive & high on themselves so easily. Way to clog the thread there kids.

So while all of you were clearly busy having tantrums, they were doing promo stuff inside the returning mazes at Six Flags today (Willoughby's Revenge & Vault 666 specifically, didn't find out if they ventured into Red's Revenge or not). Props/scenic also appeared (in full public view) for the new maze that's replacing last year's "Dead End".
Wow... look at all the posts from the children that get so defensive & high on themselves so easily. Way to clog the thread there kids.

So while all of you were clearly busy having tantrums, they were doing promo stuff inside the returning mazes at Six Flags today (Willoughby's Revenge & Vault 666 specifically, didn't find out if they ventured into Red's Revenge or not). Props/scenic also appeared (in full public view) for the new maze that's replacing last year's "Dead End".

Dude, just stop. You’re currently the most negative person on these forums, but you never bring up a valid point. You just insult everything/everyone.

If you’re going to be that way, why don’t you just leave? Nobody’s keeping you here.
X2 is my favorite coaster in the park. It's like nothing I've ever experienced in a coaster. The GP also loves X2.

But you can't argue with a Cedar Point fanboy who thinks their coaster collection is the greatest, even if they have LOTS of mediocre coasters. Most of their flat rides are pretty lame too, only a couple good ones.

Basically, if you do a coaster-to-coaster comparison of similar rides, SFMM comes out ahead. I'll grant you that Cedar Point is a better managed park thanks to Cedar Fair.

Maybe I’m looking at it from the perspective who has been to both and am not just a “fanboy”?

Hell, I’ve worked at SFMM, and saw first-hand how awful their operations are and rode many coasters several times. I’m way more familiar with SFMM, and spent two days at Cedar Point and immediately noticed that CP just has a more solid lineup and is a more enjoyable park to be in. That’s just my opinion. Please stop being so defensive. And speaking of defensive...

Wow... look at all the posts from the children that get so defensive & high on themselves so easily. Way to clog the thread there kids.

So while all of you were clearly busy having tantrums, they were doing promo stuff inside the returning mazes at Six Flags today (Willoughby's Revenge & Vault 666 specifically, didn't find out if they ventured into Red's Revenge or not). Props/scenic also appeared (in full public view) for the new maze that's replacing last year's "Dead End".

You need to stop. Nobody is acting more childish than you right now. Cut it out.
Maybe I’m looking at it from the perspective who has been to both and am not just a “fanboy”?

Hell, I’ve worked at SFMM, and saw first-hand how awful their operations are and rode many coasters several times. I’m way more familiar with SFMM, and spent two days at Cedar Point and immediately noticed that CP just has a more solid lineup and is a more enjoyable park to be in. That’s just my opinion. Please stop being so defensive. And speaking of defensive...

You need to stop. Nobody is acting more childish than you right now. Cut it out.

For sure man. Cedar Fair does a MUCH better job at managing their parks than Six Flags does. I don't think anybody is denying that. But to say that SFMM coaster lineup is weak because it doesn't have the coasters that Cedar Point has is pretty "fanboyish."

I mean SFMM has a diverse set of coasters: Flying, Stand-up, 4-D, Terrain, Shuttle, Wood, Hybrid, etc. For example, Cedar Point doesn't have any terrain coasters and MM has some nice ones. I just think that CP has all the media & GP attention & enthusiasm thanks to Steel Vengeance. That's why I accurately predicted that MM was going to go BIG, BIG, BIG in 2019. Partly, to steal that stoplight back, especially considering they are going to get TONS of media attention since it will be their 20th coaster.

And right I was, they will be investing a cool $20 mil for their next coaster. We will know for sure what it is in 1 month, but it's most likely going to be a MACK spinner which will only diversify the lineup some more.
For sure man. Cedar Fair does a MUCH better job at managing their parks than Six Flags does. I don't think anybody is denying that. But to say that SFMM coaster lineup is weak because it doesn't have the coasters that Cedar Point has is pretty "fanboyish."

I mean SFMM has a diverse set of coasters: Flying, Stand-up, 4-D, Terrain, Shuttle, Wood, Hybrid, etc. For example, Cedar Point doesn't have any terrain coasters and MM has some nice ones. I just think that CP has all the media & GP attention & enthusiasm thanks to Steel Vengeance. That's why I accurately predicted that MM was going to go BIG, BIG, BIG in 2019. Partly, to steal that stoplight back, especially considering they are going to get TONS of media attention since it will be their 20th coaster.

And right I was, they will be investing a cool $20 mil for their next coaster. We will know for sure what it is in 1 month, but it's most likely going to be a MACK spinner which will only diversify the lineup some more.
Love how you accuse me of trying to be a CP fanboy when the things you say about SFMM are something a SFMM fanboy would definitely say.

This may not seem possible to you, but you can enjoy both SFMM and CP even if SFMM doesn’t have a lot of *great* coasters. I just think overall CP is a more enjoyable park. SFMM SHOULD be a better park as they have a diverse amount of coasters and a solid dark ride but how they run everything really hinders my enjoyment for the park.

Several areas of the park aren’t that clean. I know they’re trying to fix it but it’s still a problem. There’s almost no natural shade anymore (making this un-inhabitable as Valencia gets hotter than the rest of SoCal). What I hope for the new addition is that they will add trees. It drives me CRAZY that they love to cut trees when they add stuff. I’m sick of the entire back half of the park being a giant, tacky concrete slab.

SFMM needs more great rides (Which Maxx Force will hopefully fix), they need to be cleaner, and they need more natural shade.

Look, at the end of the day, SFMM has a lot of flaws. I still enjoy it for what it is, and hope to see the park get better. I just thought Cedar Point is a more enjoyable park than SFMM.
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For sure man. Cedar Fair does a MUCH better job at managing their parks than Six Flags does. I don't think anybody is denying that. But to say that SFMM coaster lineup is weak because it doesn't have the coasters that Cedar Point has is pretty "fanboyish."

I mean SFMM has a diverse set of coasters: Flying, Stand-up, 4-D, Terrain, Shuttle, Wood, Hybrid, etc. For example, Cedar Point doesn't have any terrain coasters and MM has some nice ones. I just think that CP has all the media & GP attention & enthusiasm thanks to Steel Vengeance. That's why I accurately predicted that MM was going to go BIG, BIG, BIG in 2019. Partly, to steal that stoplight back, especially considering they are going to get TONS of media attention since it will be their 20th coaster.

And right I was, they will be investing a cool $20 mil for their next coaster. We will know for sure what it is in 1 month, but it's most likely going to be a MACK spinner which will only diversify the lineup some more.

Maybe I just prefer the coasters at CP over the coasters at SFMM? How is this too hard of a concept to grasp?

Nobody said there are no good coasters at SFMM, I just happen to think CP has more coasters that I prefer. For the record, there are coasters at CP I dislike: Cedar Creek, Rougarou, Magnum (you heard me) and I think Ninja is better than Iron Dragon. I just think CP has a stronger overall collection. That’s all.
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Love how you accuse me of trying to be a CP fanboy when the things you say about SFMM are something a SFMM fanboy would definitely say.

This may not seem possible to you, but you can enjoy both SFMM and CP even if SFMM doesn’t have a lot of *great* coasters. I just think overall CP is a more enjoyable park. SFMM SHOULD be a better park as they have a diverse amount of coasters and a solid dark ride but how they run everything really hinders my enjoyment for the park.

Several areas of the park aren’t that clean. I know they’re trying to fix it but it’s still a problem. There’s almost no natural shade anymore (making this inhabitable as Valencia gets hotter than the rest of SoCal). What I hope for the new addition is that they will add trees. It drives me CRAZY that they love to cut trees when they add stuff. I’m sick of the entire back half of the park being a giant, tacky concrete slab.

SFMM needs more great rides (Which Maxx Force will hopefully fix), they need to be cleaner, and they need more natural shade.

Look, at the end of the day, SFMM has a lot of flaws. I still enjoy it for what it is, and hope to see the park get better. I just thought Cedar Point is a more enjoyable park than SFMM.

Dude, I literally agree with everything you just said, other that I'm a fanboy & the park has mostly mediocre coasters. I especially agree about the landscaping & management of the park.

But nah. I don't think there's such a thing as a Magic Mountain Fanboy. A fanboy is somebody who is unwilling to be critical of their own park. Pretty much everybody who likes SFMM can admit the flaws and shortcomings of the park, including myself. I have detailed the long list of improvements I think the park should make.

Now try to criticize Cedar Point to Cedar Point fans. Come on. I dare you. It is not pretty. Go to any video on Youtube that does a SFMM vs. CP and see what happens when someone says they think SFMM has overall a better coaster lineup collection. That's why hardcore Cedar Point fans have gotten such a bad rep and thus the name "CP Fanboy." Try to say that Millennium Force is overrated. They do not take it too well.

You're now backtracking by saying you enjoy both SFMM & CP coaster collections. You originally stated that pretty much the majority of the coasters at MM are mediocre. Dude that's what ALL CP Fanboys say. Like literally every single one. That's why you got such a huge backlash. Dude even Chris G. had to call you out & he rarely gets mad. I'm just glad you're changing your tune now and have come to your senses.

Maybe I just prefer the coasters at CP over the coasters at SFMM? How is this too hard of a concept to grasp?

Nobody said there are no good coasters at SFMM, I just happen to think CP has more coasters that I prefer. For the record, there are coasters at CP I dislike: Cedar Creek, Rougarou, Magnum (you heard me) and I think Ninja is better than Iron Dragon. I just think CP has a stronger overall collection. That’s all.

Fair enough.
Dude, I literally agree with everything you just said, other that I'm a fanboy & the park has mostly mediocre coasters. I especially agree about the landscaping & management of the park.

But nah. I don't think there's such a thing as a Magic Mountain Fanboy. A fanboy is somebody who is unwilling to be critical of their own park. Pretty much everybody who likes SFMM can admit the flaws and shortcomings of the park, including myself. I have detailed the long list of improvements I think the park should make.

Now try to criticize Cedar Point to Cedar Point fans. Come on. I dare you. It is not pretty. Go to any video on Youtube that does a SFMM vs. CP and see what happens when someone says they think SFMM has overall a better coaster lineup collection. That's why hardcore Cedar Point fans have gotten such a bad rep and thus the name "CP Fanboy." Try to say that Millennium Force is overrated. They do not take it too well.

You're now backtracking by saying you enjoy both SFMM & CP coaster collections. You originally stated that pretty much the majority of the coasters at MM are mediocre. Dude that's what ALL CP Fanboys say. Like literally every single one. That's why you got such a huge backlash. Dude even Chris G. had to call you out & he rarely gets mad. I'm just glad you're changing your tune now and have come to your senses.
I never backtracked on SFMM having a lot of mediocre rides. They have lots of diversity in their coaster line-up, but that doesn't mean they're all that great. I enjoy the park for what is is but I still think it has a lot of mediocre rides compared to CP. I love how you keep saying, "CP fanboys don't take criticism well" when I criticize SFMM's coaster collection against CP and you don't seem to take it well either.

So what if I think SFMM's coaster are mediocre compared to CP. Is that a bad thing? So what if someone thinks MK is better than DL? I would disagree with him, but I have bigger things to worry about in life.
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