The guide sensors are put in the path over the ones they drilled with gaffers tape! Maybe what the drilled in didn't work so they have foil strips out there?
Once I got away from the witch (great AA but 45 minutes and they can't turn the sound down?) I rode and everything except the transition screen from the 360 to AA scene was working. I would rate it a good ride even after all the waiting. I sent a family that was doing it first time ahead and caught up with them after the ride. We had waited 3.5 hours total and they were extremely patient so when I asked if it was worth the wait I got a "yeah it was OK" back but felt bad that will be their only experience with it. They understood rehearsals but to not be able to kill the sound when we were stuck with the witch really needs to be addressed.
No musion in the skulls and no scareactors in the queue
Sat on the right in row 10 and it was good, the bat effect is best there but I saw too much of the screens. I would rather sit in the middle so I can see both sides in the 360
I knew what I was getting into so it was OK, another dozen rides and I will feel I have seen it all