Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading | Page 20 | Inside Universal Forums

Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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I am going to miss the Saturday Morning Cartoon style and then being wowed by being into that world once the ride starts and the dimensions are in your face as if you are inside that world. I bring that up because I think the queue has a good chance of being changed into a CGI video, or at least quite a switch in direction from the most famous version of the Spiderman animation series. My reason first noticing how different the villians are costumed compared to the ones in the current ride and queue film.
I am going to miss the Saturday Morning Cartoon style and then being wowed by being into that world once the ride starts and the dimensions are in your face as if you are inside that world. I bring that up because I think the queue has a good chance of being changed into a CGI video, or at least quite a switch in direction from the most famous version of the Spiderman animation series. My reason first noticing how different the villians are costumed compared to the ones in the current ride and queue film.
Sort of like what they did with Simpsons...I like the idea of keeping the old queue the way it is and having the ride be the "world"...if you think about it, all of the queue vids are technically news feeds/video that are taking place outside of the Bugle..the space that you are currently traveling through however (Bugle) is a fully realized 3-D world...idk what I'm saying I need to go to bed..
I think these upgrades are just going to give the ride a more intense, darker, scarier, and more thrilling ride. They have added more detail into this and seems like with more smoother animation, gosh. Just watching the first re-animated slide (where you meet Spiderman) just makes me think it's going to be like a new ride.

4K... BRING IT ON!!! :boxing:
Watched Scene 1 a few more times. The detail is incredible. There's rats running along the alley walls and through the trash, Iron Man has been upgraded, and there's even shadows of people in the windows.

I'm loving this.
Watched Scene 1 a few more times. The detail is incredible. There's rats running along the alley walls and through the trash, Iron Man has been upgraded, and there's even shadows of people in the windows.

I'm loving this.

Iron Man?? :inquisitive:
I don't remember it being officially announced what date Spider-Man would go down. If not, it's been posted on the attraction page it'll go down February 8th. I searched the thread for "8" and didn't find anything.

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man will close on Feb. 8 as we finalize major, high-tech enhancements that will allow guests to experience all-new high definition animation and an entirely new level of detail. These details include everything from flames shooting from Hobgoblin’s pumpkins to the electricity arching through Electro’s body to the stitching on Spider-Man’s glove. More information and a re-opening date are coming soon.
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I don't remember it being officially announced what date Spider-Man would go down. If not, it's been posted on the attraction page it'll go down February 8th. I searched the thread for "8" and didn't find anything.


Good to have official word about it! Thanks! Hopefully I'll make it out there this weekend to see the old version one last time.

(Btw, you probably didn't find anything because people posted it as "8th" :p --- EDIT: Never mind, I searched both and came up empty too, even though the 8th was mentioned in rumor these last few pages. :shrug:)
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I have counted 6 to 8 rats in the first scene:


Also when Spiderman hits the area where the real ladder is, some dust comes off his feet. Again, DETAIL!!! :lol:
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February 8th closing date confirmed via Facebook with a concrete re-opening date "coming soon"

Attention Spidey Fans! The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man attraction will close on Feb. 8 as we finalize major, high-tech enhancements that will be ready for you in March! Soon, you’ll be able to experience all-new animation and an entirely new level of detail – from the stitching on Spider-Man’s glove to the electricity arching through Electro’s body. More details and a re-open date coming soon!
I was able to make the trek back up to IOA over the weekend, and I got my last ride in on Spiderman, and I've got to say it was one of the best rides I've had there. The movements of the SCOOP were just perfect, the right mix of fluid and jerky...really brought me back to what my first few rides were like. Most of the screens were pretty good as well. Overall, I couldn't help but reflect on how innovative and widely praised the Spiderman ride was when it first opened, and it excites me to no end that the ride is about to be right in the center of the spotlight again where it deserves to be. It's going to be just like when it first opened all over again (in terms of ride quality and also in terms of how talked about and widely praised it was). I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
Hey board, so I found out that I am going to Islands of Adventure/ Universal in early march. The trip will last (including traveling) March 9-March 13 with us being at the parks March 10 and March 11. Despite living 7 hours away from Orlando my whole life and going down there a bunch of times to visit Disney World growing; I have never been to Universal Studios/ Islands of Adventure. At 22 years old I am really stoked for this and feel like I have missed out growing up. But I found out that one of their most iconic rides worth riding, the spiderman ride (which this thread is about); is being shut down for HD revamps from Feb 8 to sometime in March with no OFFICIAL release date announced yet.

I find this deeply depressing as I am most likely will not be able to come back to Universal studios for a very long time (Im talking years and years and that is IF I even get the chance to come back at all); so I feel like I will most likely miss out on this ride as it will be shut down. I have been on simulators before but with its 3D and on tracks movement, this sounds like one of the most unique and technologically advanced rides out there. I have no control over the dates that we are down there for. I am going with a group and my friend is calling the shots and so the group can go; I doubt he will post pone it especially for one ride that most of the group has been on before in their lives.

With that being said and even though there is no official reopening date yet; does anyone have an idea from their knowledge of the park and previous examples of rides being renovated of when the Spiderman ride might open. I have heard some sites phrasing that it will DEBUT in March which makes it sound like it could come out at the beggining of March. This gives me hope. But then again I have heard some sites phrase it saying it will be shut down THROUGH March which implies it won't open until the end. Being that it shut down on Feb 8th and we will be down there March 10-11; that means we will be arriving roughly a month after its been shut down. If anyone with any sort of knowledge and idea about this sort of thing; do you guys think a month will be enough time for them to do the HD revamps.

Is there a chance that it might be open during my stay or should I just go ahead and give up all hope on riding it. And how necessary is the ride? Can I still get great experiences by substituting the Harry Potter ride and the Simpsons ride for the Spiderman ride? Or do those rides not even compared and I will just be missing out to a degree that can't be compensated.

Again I realize no one has any official information but I appreciate any opinions and hunches on my situation based on previous precedents for ride renovation and their own personal knowledge of the parks.
While I have no new information to contribute, I wouldn't lose all hope in riding it. Your travel dates give you a month for Uni to implement the footage, tweak it, and fix any synchronizational flaws with the vehicles. What do you say, guys? 50/50 chance? As for similar ride experiences, simspons doesn't compare, as it is purely a motion simulator. Forbidden Journey, however, is put into the same class as Spiderman. While the differ greatly in overall experience, they are the same type of attraction: tracked motion simulator, projection screens, live sets, special effects, etc. In the end, though, if you can, jump at the chance to ride it. It's truly a great experience.