I'd argue Trek is a much more appropriate property for a RotR style ride then Star Wars. While the existing attraction is impressive, it has major problems at the conceptual level - it misses the things that make Star Wars special and that fans want to experience. Mystical space wizards; WWII-style space battles; weird, often non-humanoid aliens; fantastical, wildly varied planets - that's Star Wars. What we get in RotR are intentionally antiseptic, unvaried settings and a bunch of human AAs. Very few folks watching Star Wars ever thought, "boy, the thing I want to do most is wander around a Star Destroyer."
In sharp contrast, a vast number of Trek fans want to hang out on the Enterprise and meet the crew, and that's what an RotR-style ride can provide. Which crew? That's trickier, but not as much as it might seem. You have three crews that continue to have cultural relevance - original series, Next Gen, and Chris-Pine-Verse. In an EU-sized land, two groups could get rides and the third could be represented elsewhere, perhaps in the restaurant.
Another major consideration here is merch. Trek is second only to Potter in being an IP ideally designed to sell souvenirs. Unlike franchises like SW and LotR, the goods in Trek are mass-produced and signify a particular social role rather then an individual identity - a Trek uniform functions much like a Potter school robe. You're not dressing like Hermione or Riker, you're dressing like YOU were actually immersed in the fictional world. With phasers, you also have a single type of item that has had many iterations featured in the various versions of the franchise, akin to wands and sabres. I can easily see a future in which Uni is full not only of folks in flowing wizard robes and scarves but of folks in various kinds of Starfleet uniform as well.