Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (Disney's Hollywood Studios) | Page 285 | Inside Universal Forums

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (Disney's Hollywood Studios)

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Lightsabers have been sold in the parks for years. I bought one a couple years ago with my best friend and we played with it. No one ever came and said stop.

the only reason why Disney doesn’t want people with them out is because they expected the land to be packed with people (which it isn’t...)
The backstory that oh you can’t have them out because you might call attention to yourself is an excuse. They expected the land to be at capacity and they didn’t want people playing with the lightsabers. Obviously the land hasn’t had this issue. I give it till after the New Years crush and then you’ll see this rule phased out.
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No light-sabers and droids makes perfect sense to me among the land. There's just way too much that can go wrong. A play land area for it wouldn't be the worst idea
I find it ironic that they won't let you wear your Jedi robes or whatever because they don'y want to cause confusion on who is a cast member, or a tourist. Yet, there are little to no cast members in the actual land in the first place.

The light sabers kind of make sense considering how they could technically used as a dull weapon.

Droids don't make any sense at all.
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I haven't watched like an endless amount of videos on GE, but I do wonder why they aren't even more CM waking around with droids so people don't walk into them or bother them.
I think when I first heard about the build your lightsaber thing, I just brushed it off and said “200 dollars, Disney is crazy”. Then I fell down a rabbit hole of watching Galaxys Edge videos last night and now I’m like “SOLD!”. Curse you Disney!
The parks at both Disney and Universal continued their low crowds from the'almost hurricane' effects. Touring Plans had 15 'actual' test rides throughout the entire day on the Falcon. 'Real stand by' (not posted times) times ranged from 15 to 40 minutes. Still a great time to tour if you're in the Orlando area.
Another day of heaven in the parks. As of 12:35pm, Smugglers Run is at a 35 minute wait.

These wait times are bonkers! Never see anything like this.
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and what's even stranger is that Disneyland, which usually has a very busy week the first week all AP's are open, is just as dead....and there was no hurricane scare there.....all that with two, $1 Billion brand new lands just recently debuted on both coasts.
Just a theory....on the Florida parks only. Disney was having difficulties filling hotel rooms from late August through early October. That supposedly was one of the major reasons to move the opening of GESWL up, in order to fill those empty rooms. But, even after the announcement for an end of August opening, the on site hotels still had tons of vacancies. The last four or five years, the weather cycle for the southeast has been brutal for traveling, driving/flying, from late August through early October. Tropical storm and hurricane disruptions throughout N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia and Florida have made it a real hassle to schedule a vacation in Orlando for that time of the year. I used to always go in September/early October, but no more. After a few years of pure travel hassle, I quit scheduling a vacation in Orlando at this time of year. Perhaps that's becoming a bit of a growing tourist trend. After a few years of trying to work around the weather, tourists may becoming hesitant to travel to Orlando at this time of the year. Prior to this really bad cycle there was a fairly long safe weather cycle, and those were the years people started traveling to Orlando during even this slower season and had turned it into a season with many moderate crowds.....Fortunately for Universal, HHN is still a strong locals event, so that should keep those HHN nights busy.
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Orlando is definitely slow right now due to cancelled trips from the storm across multiple states.
WDW was real slow last September (2018) also. That was after 4 or 5 higher than normal Septembers in the previous years. New trend due to weather?