The only time I even noticed a squinch effect was pulling into the escape pods, and that’s cause you’re heading directly towards a screen.
On my second ride I tried to figure out screen depth and the gunner room is the closest you get to any windows. As far as I can tell the space projections are set pretty far back, at least in that scene. But the screen curves on the sides and top and bottom. Think of it as a gigantic Hogwarts Express window, with the curved edges to create an endless effect (except the window cutouts here have no window panes of glass).
For the gunner scene it was one giant screen behind all of the several windows, not one per window, and it was set back maybe 10 to 20 feet at its deepest point, which was far enough back that I couldn’t even tell if squishing and squashing effects were even in use.
The screens use a new type of HDR so the blacks are perfectly black, even though the rooms themselves are fairly well lit. This helps to hide any shape or definition of the screen curve, as well as hide the distance of the screen from the viewer. It’s pretty impressive overall.