Ya, I think no matter the outcome of Rise of Skywalker, whether fans love it, loathe, are indifferent to it, etc, the main issue will always be that this trilogy has not been planned from the beginning. Id like to think that they always knew who Rey's parents were, or what Kylo's outcome would be, but idk, it doesn't feel that way. Ive feared for this movie trying to "recover" too much from The Last Jedi and it seems in some faced it may be true. We shall see though, ill be the ultimate deciding factor for that in my mind.
I think The Last Jedi as a stand alone film is maginificent, well made, shocking, stunning, visually epic, but does NOT fit in at all as a 2nd film in a trilogy. It did nothing with what the first film set up. This is why ultimately in my mind TLJ just doesnt work here because other than what happened with Luke, what has this really contributed to the new Disney trilogy and their characters? Not trying to make this into a TLJ debate, so sorry if I am.
My main point being, this film felt doomed from the start. Im not sure what any filmmaker could do to please every fan after TLJ. So with that being said, just go in with your own expectations like Nick said. Might be difficult with how much "talk" there is around Star Wars and this film but id just try and enjoy and have fun with it.