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Stories About Guests & Cast Members

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I'd like to swing the conversation back to the topic of stories of the park.  Being that I was never "properly" a guest, all of my stories (and I have waaaayyy too many to share here) have to do with how the guests treated the employees.  I have a lot of bad apple stories from VIPs being absolute d-bags to almost getting beat up by a guest, but I wanted to share one that stuck in my mind as one of the good ones.

Working at JP for over 4 yrs I've seen a lot of faces come and go but apparently I was a staple for some of our riders.  I had a grandfather and grandson come talk to me one day and the grandson was really scared to ride.  I talked him through the attraction and he finally decided to get on. I made sure I was waiting at unload for him to give him a thumbs up.  Now mind you, I don't remember this.  Seeing thousands of people daily can sometimes make things a blur, but apparently it left an impression.  The next year they came back and I was working that day.  The grandson tracked me down and told me who he was and that I made it fun for him.  I said I'm glad I was able to help and continued on with my day not thinking too much about it.  This happened the next year as well.  At year 4 this young man asked for me at the Child Swap Entrance (as it was known back then).  He wouldn't tell the ride op what it was about, only that he needed to talk to me specifically.  I went out to see him and realized that this was the same boy I'd been seeing every year and watched grow up.  We talked a bit and I asked where his grandfather was.  He had passed away shortly after arranging their annual trip to USH.  This young man had decided to make the trip anyway as a tribute to his grandfather.  He had been at the park the previous day and didn't see me (it was my day off) so he came back for a second day.  He asked me if I would ride with him in his grandfathers stead.  I couldn't say no.   I made sure that he got a picture of us going down the drop together.

I'm just glad JP is a water ride because there was more than ride water on my face that day.
How did you find that? LOL.

Was supposed to be 10 minutes, and it ended up clocking at over 40. Funny how that happens.
I find all Jon just look at all the vids ive posted from youtube. If its not Brenda its Jon. LOL. So when were u thinking of telling us that you were becoming a trader. LOL. (im my own theme park investigator)
Getting back on topic. The emergency cord was pulled on the tour, stopping in the middle of tour, just because a lady had to go to the restroom.
Hey, everyone, I'm new here! I'm a longtime lurker. I was always hesistant to make an account here because of all the Simpsons hate. Haha.

I can't say anything horribly spectacular has happened in my countless trips to USH, only very minor things. I had some lady literally shove me (almost to the ground) while I was talking to Lucy about tattoos because SHE wanted a picture and was being impatient (asking nicely usually helps). Some lady held everyone up at Doc Brown's on Sunday for nearly 20 minutes screaming at the people at the order window about her food not being good enough.

Recently I was in the Kwik-E-Mart gift shop and some kid kept asking me how much everything was. I was really confused why he kept asking ME until I realized later on in the day he must have mistaken my Krusty the Clown shirt as a uniform. Haha.

Let's see, I've witnessed a girl projectile vomit on a bunch of people in line for Jurassic park. Some moron carved a, uh, 'dingaling' between Itchy's legs at the entrance to The Simpsons (glad I didn't witness that, I would have been fuming). I've won a front of the line pass for winning a Simpson's trivia game while in line for The Simpsons. Also one night while in line for The Simpsons they announced that the ride was operating at low capacity and they were experiencing techincal problems and put the wait time up to 70 minutes. A TON of people got out of line and we moved nearly up to the front, got free jellybeans, and then the ride came back on and the wait time was like 10 minutes. Haha.
Welcome! Funny stories! I've been mistaken for a cast member before too!

Regarding the Simpsons bashing, don't mind us. Most of us are just super nostalgic and obsessed with Back To The Future and the BTTF The Ride ;)

Simspons isn't a BAD ride. It just has many flaws in my opinion, mostly Universal's fault at making it cheap and not doing a good job at making it not feel like an overlay over BTTF. But that's just me, ignore me ;)
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Welcome! Funny stories! I've been mistaken for a cast member before too!

Regarding the Simpsons bashing, don't mind us. Most of us are just super nostalgic and obsessed with Back To The Future and the BTTF The Ride ;)

Simspons isn't a BAD ride. It just has many flaws in my opinion, mostly Universal's fault at making it cheap and not doing a good job at making it not feel like an overlay over BTTF. But that's just me, ignore me ;)
Nah, I totally understand. I know what it's like to have something sentimental replaced and it's kind of the way I feel about King Kong 360 3D. My life basically revolves around nostalgia, so I tend to have the same mindset.

My only complaint about The Simpsons is that the screen seems too dark and blurry (especially compared to Transformers). I get the overlay feel too, but I think it looks good. I just wish the gift shop wasn't so 2D looking.

Speaking of BTTF and on the topic of this thread, on one of my trips I passed by poor Doc standing over between Jaws and The Simpsons waiting for people to take photos with him, but everyone just passed him up. He kept trying to call out to people to get them to come over with no luck. I regret going back and getting a photo with him. Haha.
I'm surprised I don't get mistaken for a cast member, since I wear my Homer sweatshirt and a Kwik-E-Mart name tag every time I visit the park. :lol:

I'm one of the few people who doesn't loathe The Simpsons Ride. It's probably because I never rode BTTF, but still - guests still get laughs out of the ride to this day.
I'm surprised I don't get mistaken for a cast member, since I wear my Homer sweatshirt and a Kwik-E-Mart name tag every time I visit the park. :lol:

I'm one of the few people who doesn't loathe The Simpsons Ride. It's probably because I never rode BTTF, but still - guests still get laughs out of the ride to this day.
Haha, awesome!

I've rode BTTF once on my childhood trip to USH and I remember the DeLorean being outside of it as a photo-op (I have a picture somewhere of my dad posing with an unhappy looking Doc Brown with the DeLorean).

I'm absolutely obsessed with DeLoreans (more than I'm a fan of BTTF, actually) so it would have been really rad to ride it again.
I'm legit getting a DeLorean as soon as I have enough money. No joke. Obsessed is an understatement.
Same. It's one of my life goals. There's nothing in the world that can make me fume with jealousy more than seeing people in person driving DeLoreans. I have an aquaintance who, at one point, had THREE of them.

I always call my car ( ) a poor man's DeLorean. Haha.