Sheesh. I haven't even finished going through my pics from yesterday (roughly 500 pics to be exact). *grumble* but fine here's Studio Tour p0rn
Wanted a better shot, but was happy to see it again

^all the cars are clearly former guests of Bates Motel. Park Lake wasn't big enough to sink them all

Holiday Hollywood Sign

I posted this photo on my Insta story, directly after my JAWS scene story. Didn't even realize it until after

Runaway Train is still actively stuck on the breaking bridge...
Sadly we didn't pass by it for the "head on" shot since the trams still don't go to Jurassic & "NOT-Whoville" has become the "picture cars alley". The trams went back through metro past the Universal Monsters murals to access Little Eorope.
Also, we didn't go through Earthquake either sadly.
I don't know why, but the audio was really good for Flash Flood. The "rain" effect + audio sounded heavier, but actual flood still seemed on the weak side.

This got me thinking.. for the first time in YEARS. We might actually get to see the Courthouse without its "Ghost Whisperer" facade. Due to the Fan Fest event, the BTTF pillars might actually see the light of day again (briefly)