I guess the cause for angst by some is that it shouldn't be that hard for a company of Universal's stature to make some heavily practical rides, when they used to all the time--MIB, Jaws, ET, JPRA, Popeye, Earthquake/Disaster, Twister, etc. Even Disney up to this point has PREDOMINANTLY made heavily practical rides (DHS is definitely getting screenz heavy, Epcot definitely could too...MK and DAK are heavily practical though--for the most part there's a sense of variety, for all of Disney's flaws). IOA for the moment is just right but if they do the exact same thing to JPRA that they did in Hollywood, that's when I feel it becomes a problem there as well.
I guess it's a good indicator for SNW, however, when the only thing that I've felt anything negative about is pretty much the only thing we haven't actually seen yet.