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The AI Discussion Thread

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Jan 10, 2013
No man's land: SoCal
As I look at the threads, I'm noticing this topic constantly flies into our faces a bit more frequently. I figured I would take the initiative to create a thread for this as AI has been a topic I've been really keeping track of lately and I think it would generate some interesting discussions here. I created this topic in hopes to discuss what's currently going on in the development of AI and where we think it's going.

My personal opinion: It is going to be here to stay for better or for worse. As an aspiring web developer (I know, worst possible time to look for a job in that area right now LOL), there seems to be a massive scare that the software development industry is going to be completely replaced by AI. Although a lot of developers use AI as a handy tool to assist with their code, I do think we are many, many years away from that being a reality. In fact, I personally think AI is a bit overhyped.

I've seen several videos of people doing some research on this topic. I personally have come to the conclusion that while AI will be here to stay as a tool like ChatGBT, I don't think its advancement will be sustainable. AI is only as good as to what information you feed it and once there is so much content out there that is AI generated, the AI will start to "learn" from the content it put out, thus creating a snowball effect of degradation. Not to mention AI is also being trained using information that is proprietary, which I think is a big reason why an AI collapse is immenant. There are going to be (And already are!) many lawsuits fighting AI using their information. Adobe has been getting a ton of flack for claiming they have proprietary use of your work in their TOS. Also Scarlet Johansen is suing an AI voice software for using her voice despite her not giving them permission.

One guy points out below that Amazon got called out that their biometrics purchasing system at Amazon grocery stores was not AI computers utilizing it, but actually 1000 people in India running it. This was recent as April of this year! He also points out how AI has been stealing information from websites to train the AI.

So I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this matter. Again, I don't support advancing AI further as I just don't see how this would benefit humanity, but I don't think it's sustainable. Y'all remember the .com crash of the early 00's? It's starting to sound familiar. As Google and Apple are investing billions into AI and its sustainability being uncertain, not to mention that moral ramifications of it, I just don't see AI being the legs to keep moving forward the way it is. That's why despite the hype and fear-mongering, I'm still going to do my best to crack into the software development industry. I think things will turn around sooner or later. What do y'all think?
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AI to me is like anything, it should be good for all of us but in the end at least in the USA it will be used against us for everything...raising your insurance rates on housing and cars by being about to track you easier.
In theme parks the good could be like AI meet and greets the bad....the apps using your data and trying to weed out anything that does not get enough people using it to save a few bucks

AI could literally cut many jobs and when used with Robots end most work buttttttt somehow we will just ignore that and the richest among us will horde the money and tech and just make life worst. I would love to be wrong but I was here when google got big....the Internet and Apps were better, video games are hit and miss but feels like even AAA games are shovel ware just to sell you costumes.

I feel like AI could make life better or worst but leaning towards worst because.....I have not seen anything getting better for anyone the past 20 years but I hope im wrong
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If I have time later, I'd like to type up my thoughts on this. I think I have a unique perspective working on an AI/AI adjacent team at one of the companies that've been mentioned in this thread while also dating someone working as an artist in Hollywood who's very concerned about what AI will do to their livelihood.

But I would like to say that @Freak I think that trying to get into web development/software engineering is still a perfectly valid career path and will be in the near term. Feel free (you or anyone) to PM me if you have any questions about the industry or how to get into the industry.
It all depends on what data you train it on and the agency given to others, if it's ignored then that causes all the issues we're currently seeing. Some examples of this include being able to make generated images of others and scraping data from the web for models. "Move fast and break things" is not responsible when it comes to AI and I'd go farther and say it's unethical.