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The Employee Appreciation Thread

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
Ever wanted to commend an employee at one of the 3 resorts in Orlando and share it with other theme park enthusiasts? Here's your chance.
i have no picture of my favorite cast member but i do have a great story. his name is patrick and works in the garden grill at epcot. it was christmas as well as my birthday when we went to this restaurant. patrick greeted us with a huge smile and unending happiness. even though he was working on christmas he was truely the most jolly cast member i have ever met. he made the dinner extraordinary. he loved to sit down and tell funny jokes and disney stories as well as sing the best version of happy birthday i ever heard. me and my family still talk of that song. "zip a dee doo dah zip a dee day, my oh my it is davids birthday" not to mention he had an amazing voice, shouldve been on broadway. he truely embodies all that disney is and represents :D thanks patrick!!
I'd like to give my compliments to Eva and Melissa from the Merchant of Venus. They were awesome and friendly to Sledge, Beachgurl, and I tonight. They even gave us pins to celebrate just because. :lol: I was purchasing a few more vinyls which led to a discussion about how Melissa wanted a Panda and Little Mermaid. We told her to check out Vinylnation to help her out with her quest. They gave us a "Magical Pass" that gave us front of the line entry to any ride of our choosing. All because we spent some time making friendly chat.
Brandon a CM who does Tram Spiels in the MK Parking Lot was awesome. He was hilarious all around a great sense of humor. He really seemed to enjoy his job also.
I'm surprised that this thread isn't full of stories. Tis a little late, but I'd like to give thanks for all the employees who worked this year's HHN. Some honorable mentions goes to some of the Vampeneze in the Cirque zone, they were killing it with intensity. And of course, Jake...for grunting my name every time I passed by his scene. :lol:
I'm surprised that this thread isn't full of stories. Tis a little late, but I'd like to give thanks for all the employees who worked this year's HHN. Some honorable mentions goes to some of the Vampeneze in the Cirque zone, they were killing it with intensity. And of course, Jake...for grunting my name every time I passed by his scene. :lol:

I second this....... HHN employees are the best, thanks for another great year :thumbs:

And yeah that dude in Cirque was working hard for the scares. Kudos sir.
Just noticed this thread so I thought I'd bring it back from the dead, since theme park employees really add that extra oomph it takes to make it a special day. So I thought I'd post a cool little story too:

We were at the Magic Kingdom for Valentines Day this past February, and there was an employee in the shop behind the castle to the left in MK, where the Bibidi Bobiti Boutique is, going around with a little wand sprinkling "fairy dust" on any little girls, women, and etc.. and basically sharing a smile the best way Disney can. I THINK his name was Dale, elderly gentleman with a gray mustache, but its little things like this that leave a smile on your face the whole time in MK :smiley:
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Inside the entrance to Hogwarts in the FJ line, just outside the lockers there were about five or six employees (Hogwarts students) having a conversation about which House was better. That completed the immersion and made me feel like I was in Hogwarts. I wish I had gotten their names.
There's always a little lady that works the preshow room at Horror and makeup, she walks around with a plastic hand scaring people but she makes the waiting time fun and she really enjoys what she does. Has anyone ever seen anyone really play up the "universe and you' portion in the Men in Black que?
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Definitely to the ticket takers at the front at Universal! They always seem happy and never forget to tell me to have a great day. Happiness all around!
Brian who was working the Evil Dead queue at HHN this year, we had a lovely chat for around 30 mins about everything! Also Devin, on the ED queue. 2 genuinely nice guys to talk to!!
A most grateful THANK YOU to Jamie, simply the best waiter ever @ Citrico's or anywhere We have come to consider him a fried and look forward to seeing him . We try to go every year and will accept no one else as our waiter. We will be there next year to celebrate our daughters graduation and he promised he would not retire till after that. LOL We won't hold him to that but secretly hope he stays forever.

Thank you to the beautiful young waitress that sat at our table for over a hour and played with our then 3-4 yr old daughter while my wife and I ate dinner @ Fultons Crab House she never did say if she was still on duty or not.

Thank you to the waiter,manager and chef at Artist Point. They were the best when our then 6 yr old daughter got sick and had not eaten in two days. We asked FOR THE WORLD and they made it happen- Fresh salmon baked no seasoning or butter, rice steamed plain again no seasoning or butter and steamed carrots LOL again no seasoning or butter. After she cleaned her plate (poor kid must have been starving)They asked her if she wanted dessert she replied "Yes Oranges". The waiter brought out a platter with 30+ orange slices arranged in a twirl each piece cut and twisted with a half cherry on every other one.

Last my deepest apologizes to the new young waitress at tchoup chop she was wonderful but I think I caused her heart to skip a beat or two last July.
BIG shoutout to all my Hogsmeade residents and theme park employees in general. I see so many troubling things throughout every shift I've worked at these parks, and when employees all come together or shine alone and provide that extra step of happiness for a guest, I really feel proud of where I work and of the field in which I work.

It should go without saying, but if you see a Team Member or Cast Member being very special and generally awesome, find a manager or a team captain/coordinator and tell them that they're doing a good job. Or go to Guest Services and tell them the same thing (it'll just take longer to get to the employee, but credit is always appreciated). Trust me, we value those positive guest comments, and we postevery single one of them​ on our wall.
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I have to say thanks to Guest Services at Universal, specifically Megan and Alex. I just had a minor not-so-great experience at HHN and shared that along with them along with some positive comments as well. They decided to do something nice for me which they didn't have to do at all but it just goes to show how Universal does appreciate us, it's long-time customers.
I would have to give a big thank you to Merrick for being the best bartender at any of the parks!! (I hope I spelled his name right)
Hopefully he'll get some more traffic after the JP updates are done.
When we went to UOS for the AP previews of Transformers, we rode the ride a bunch of times in that first hour, then we headed up to the front of the park for breakfast. As folks were coming in for the day, they had a little section of red carpet rolled out with about five employes lined on each side to cheer any guest that decided to walk the red carpet.

It was really cool to see the smiles this gave guest as UNI made them feel special!
When we went to UOS for the AP previews of Transformers, we rode the ride a bunch of times in that first hour, then we headed up to the front of the park for breakfast. As folks were coming in for the day, they had a little section of red carpet rolled out with about five employes lined on each side to cheer any guest that decided to walk the red carpet.

It was really cool to see the smiles this gave guest as UNI made them feel special!

I've never seen that. That sounds awesome. :lol: Universal Hollywood actually does 10x better with streetmosphere than USF. A lot more characters and interactivity.