I have to say, when you compare what Ezra is doing to Will Smith did and the outcry over that (basically, keep ya hands to yourself), I have to say Warner Bros. Discovery looks REALLY weak right now.
It's been over 3 weeks since the original incident, he's had the police called on him 10 times, and he was just jailed again for once again throwing some sort of object at a woman and hurting her. Then there's the break in where he threatened to kill the wife and took their wallet, passport and he also got their Social Security Card from their wallet and then a judge dismissed(!) a restraining order filed against him by the couple despite stolen identity and threatening them.
I mean, this is pure lunacy that it's radio silence on Ezra, but for Will Smith, just because they saw the incident in full 4K glory, he had to have projects cancelled, resign from the Academy, and banned from attending the Oscars for 10 years because of the slap. It's not like we haven't seen video of Ezra being violent before as we saw his episode in 2018 where he was arrested originally and many were wondering if WB would cut ties.
If Warner-Discover doesn't do something this is going to end very badly and I don't say this flippantly, but either him or someone else is going to end up dead one of these days if something is not done soon.Warner Brothers should've been getting Ezra help from the second the video came out in 2018 if they weren't going to fire him.